
OpenIFS reads and writes GRIB formatted files. Metview is a meteorological application designed to be a complete working environment that reads and writes GRIB data. Its capabilities include powerful data access, analysis and visualization.

For more details about Metview, please see the Metview home page.

Use the macro builders for different icons in the Magics reference guide to create your own macros for Metview.

OpenIFS and Metview

Metview is the ideal application for analysing and displaying OpenIFS output GRIB files. It does not require any translation of the output files and will also do spectral to gridpoint conversion and computation of u & v winds from vorticity & divergence.

The Metview team have kindly provided a set of example templates for OpenIFS output that show (amongst others) how to:

  • Shaded contour plot from OpenIFS GRIB output file on a map projection.
  • Shaded lat-level or longitude-level cross section, with cross-section marked on map projection.
  • 3-field overlay: shaded contour, contour lines and wind vectors.
  • Wind vectors coloured by another field.

Download the compressed tarfile using the link to the right.

Additional information

Metview training material: see here for training course handouts and examples.






Installing Metview

Metview is available as source code from the Releases page of the Metview website.

Metview is also available as RPMs for some distributions of Linux. For other distributions (such as Ubuntu), use the command alien to convert from .rpm to .deb. Some shared libraries may be missing or the wrong version number and may need linking to older versions to work.

MetView OpenIFS examples

Download examples: Metview_openifs.tar.gz

Unpack the compressed tarfile inside your $HOME/Metview
directory. e.g.
      tar zxf Metview_openifs.tar.gz

It includes a Unix file link, called 'openifs_data' to the folder where the model output GRIB files are located. This link will need to be changed. A new link for each model run can be created in the same way. We are grateful to the ECMWF Metview team for supplying these examples, in particular Iain Russell.

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