Postscript: setup a PostScript output file.
PNG: create a PNG file.
SVG: create a SVG file.
KML: create a KML file.
Layout and projections
SuperPage Parameters : Define the size of your output
Page Parameters : Subdivide your super page.
Subpage and Projection Parameters : Position the drawing area on the page, setup the geographical projection or Cartesian transformation
Coastlines Parameters: Setup the coastlines(colour/line style/land-sea Shading), add boundaries, cities rivers
Axis Parameters: Setup the axis ( colour/line style ), ticks and title.
Text and Others
Legend: Tailor your legend
Text : Add some text
Import Object: Import an external image
Data input
GRIB Input: Loading GRIB edition 1 or 2 data
NetCDF Input: Loading NetCDF Data
Input Data: Working with data in memory
CSV Input: Loading CSV file ( Comma Separated Value )
Geopoints: Loading Metview Geopoints file
Odbviewer: Accessing and visualising your ODB data ( python only)
Json file : loading a Magics Json file containing input for Epsgraph.
Contouring Parameters : Setup the contouring properties ( colour, shading labels)
Wind Plotting Parameters : Setup the wind plotting properties ( style, colour, thinning)
Symbol Parameters: Setup the symbols properties ( markers, colour, size)
Graph Plotting Parameters : Setup the curve, bars properties ( colour, style)
Observation Plotting : WMO observations plotting
- axis
- axis_type
- bufr
- contour
- contour_grid_value_plot
- contour_highlight
- contour_hilo
- contour_interpolation
- contour_label
- contour_legend_only
- contour_level
- contour_line
- contour_max_level
- contour_method
- contour_min_level
- contour_reference_level
- contour_shade
- devel
- ecmwf
- expire-single-23/01/24
- geo_input_file_name
- geopoints
- graph
- graph_line
- graph_missing_data_mode
- graph_symbol
- graph_type
- graph_x_suppress
- graph_y_suppress
- grib
- grib_automatic
- grib_field_position
- grib_file_address_mode
- grib_id
- grib_input_file_name
- grib_scaling
- grib_wind
- input
- input_x_type
- klm
- legend
- legend_border
- legend_box_blanking
- legend_box_mode
- legend_column_count
- legend_display_type
- legend_entry
- legend_text
- legend_title
- legend_user
- legend_user_text
- map_boundaries
- map_cities
- map_coastline
- map_grid
- map_label
- map_rivers
- meeting-notes
- netcdf
- news
- noarchive
- noarchive-single
- obs_size
- obs_waves
- obs_wind
- output
- output_svg
- owned-single-by-adhs
- owned-single-by-cgi
- owned-single-by-cgm
- owned-single-by-cgs
- owned-single-by-mamv
- owned-single-by-usu
- owned-single-by-usv
- package-public
- png
- postscript
- ps
- releases
- subpage
- subpage_align
- subpage_background_colour
- subpage_frame
- subpage_horizontal_axis_height
- subpage_lower
- subpage_map_projection
- subpage_upper
- subpage_vertical_axis_width
- subpage_x
- subpage_x_length
- subpage_y
- svg
- symbol
- synop
- wind
- wind_advanced
- wind_arrow
- wind_arrow_head
- wind_field_type
- wind_thinning_factor