mimport ( python ) pimport ( fortran )

The Import action routine as been added to allow the user to import any image  (png) in his plot.

It is particularly useful to embed a logo. This action is working in paper-coordinates (ie the dimensions and position are defined in cm form the lower-left corner of the output.) 




  1. But for magml the command is "import"?

    Is correct this example?

    <import import_file_name = 'LOGO.gif'
    import_format = 'gif'
    import_position_units = 'percent'
    import_y_position = '0'
    import_x_position = '7'
    import_width ='20'
    import_height ='1.4' />


    Thank you


    Franco Di Pietro

  2. This piece of code should work in Magml :


    <import import_file_name = 'logo.gif' 
    import_format = 'gif'
    import_y_position = '22'
    import_x_position = '1'/>

    The logo will be put on the right left corner of the page.

    The units are in cm, and relative to the left lower corner of the output.

    In the last version we tried to clean the code to make it easier to understand.

    If no  width and height are specified the image will be imported in its internal dimensions.





  3. Thank you very much