Hello, I'm a PhD student of Sapienza University in Rome, and I am looking for yearly or monthly climate data at a spatial resolution of 1 km, in the different future scenarios of CMIP 6. I have looked your datasets and I have seen that there are only data at very big spatial resolution.. Do you think to publish climate data at finer spatial resolution soon? Thank you in advance 

Chiara Dragonetti

1 Comment

  1. Hi Chiara,

    Thanks for your question. We don't provide climate projection data on 1km resolution. The underlying climate models in CMIP6 are Global Climate Models (GCM), with coarse resolution. We do have Regional Climate Models (RCMs) in the CORDEX dataset. The best resolution of those RCMs is around 12km for Europe. These CORDEX RCMs are downscaling CMIP5 data and in the coming few years they will use CMIP6 as input for their dynamical downscaling. However they will not provide anything near to 1km resolution. If you need higher resolution information then you have to consider to downscale the existing information into that higher resolution. This can be done on a dynamical or statistical basis, but should take into account not to invent data, which are not described by the model and the downscaling methodology.  So one has to be really careful how to get to your desired resolution.

    We have a Frequently Asked Questions page in the User Forum at C3S regional climate projections User Forum. These questions and answers might give more information for you how to use global and particularly regional climate projection data.

    I hope this helps! Thank you! 

    Andras Horanyi