Meteorological Products


Product name


(established over forecast horizon)


Forecasting horizon

Forecast model

Medium range

Accumulated Precipitation

Amount of accumulated precipitation over the first 10 days of the 30-day forecast horizon, computed as the mean of the ECMWF ensemble forecast.

Amount of accumulated precipitation over the first 10 days of the 30-day forecast horizon, computed as the mean of the ECMWF ensemble forecast.

Map10 days


Medium range

Precipitation Animation

Animation of the daily (00-00 UTC) precipitation for the first 10 days of the 30-day forecast horizon as the mean of the ECMWF ensemble forecast.

Animation10 days


Medium range

Precipitation Prob. > 300mm

Probability [%] of exceeding 300 mm of accumulated precipitation over the first 10 days of the 30-day forecast horizon in the ECMWF ensemble forecast.

Map10 days


Medium range

Precipitation Prob. > 150mm

Probability [%] of exceeding 150 mm of accumulated precipitation over the first 10 days of the 30-day forecast horizon in the ECMWF ensemble forecast.

Map10 days


Medium range

Precipitation Prob. > 50mm

Probability [%] of exceeding 50 mm of accumulated precipitation over the first 10 days of the 30-day forecast horizon in the ECMWF ensemble forecast.

Map10 days