This week saw the October 2017 release of the standard ECMWF software packages. This month's release brings for ecCodes BUFR performance improvements, a new option for bufr_dump, compression with grib_to_netcdf and new GRIB parameters. For Metview there are improvements for the Hovmoeller and Cross Section views and computation of percentiles. There are smaller incremental updates on ODB_API and Magics.

Reminder: Starting with the November 2016 release all packages now use ecCodes as their default library to decode/encode GRIB data, instead of GRIB_API. While we are confident that ecCodes is to a high degree backwards compatible with GRIB_API, we strongly recommend good testing before using the software in your operational environments. In case you prefer to continue using GRIB_API for now, we provide a minor update release of this package, but recommend that you move to ecCodes eventually, since new features will only be implemented in ecCodes.

Metview is built at ECMWF with all the versions of our libraries listed in the table below, and all are included in the October 2017 Metview Bundle.
All these packages use the same build system based on CMake - simplifying and harmonising the installation experience. The versions are available on all ECMWF computer systems as "new" versions. If you encounter any issues please feel free to send feedback to

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