I'd like to draw your attention to our new series of science 'webinars' given by ECMWF staff and this years ECMWF training courses. Webinars last approx 1hr on specific topics and are free to watch using a web browser. Forthcoming talks include:

27th Jan : Understanding the model climate (L. Magnusson)
                Monthly forecasting (L. Ferranti)

28th Jan : Forecasting extreme events (I. Tsonevsky)
               Extra-tropical cyclone tracking (T. Hewson)
              Model errors and diagnostic tools (M. Rodwell)

30th Jan : Clouds and precipitation: (R. Forbes)

Registration is required, for more details please see:


ECMWF training courses take place at ECMWF between March and May on topics such as data assimilation, advanced methods for Earth-System modelling, parametrization of physical processes and predictability. The courses are free and places are limited. Registration deadline is Friday 24th January.



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