EUMETSAT has launched new annual research and development (R&D) calls to be conducted in European Weather Cloud (EWC).

Research and development (R&D) applications are open to researchers from any publically funded organisation in the EUMETSAT Member States. The applications should be submitted no later than 30 November 2022 for a project started in May 2023.

The resources granted are solely infrastructure and support in using it. The computing infrastructure is in EWC close to the EUMETSAT and ECMWF data holdings and includes virtual machines (VM), object storage, GPUs, and shared file system. The projects are expected to range from 50 to 100 vCPUs (cores), 400-800 GB of RAM, 50-100 TB of storage, and 4-8 vGPUs (1 vGPU = 1/8 of NVIDIA GPU RTX A6000) to run on EUMETSAT part of the EWC.

Please consult for more information and instructions to apply.

Note that EWC resources at ECMWF can also be applied as part of the ECMWF Special Projects.

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