I am an aerospace final year student at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. I am currently working on my Bachelor Thesis, named 'Copernicus data for drone operations', which seeks to find synergies between Copernicus data and drone users.

From a drone user perspective, it would be very interesting to be able to know the state of the ionosphere in order to characterise errors in GNSS (i.e., ionospheric delay or scintillation). Since ionospheric perturbations are closely related to space weather and solar evets, I was wondering if it would be possible to create some indicators on space weather or solar events with Copernicus. Some already existing applications (please refer to https://www.uavforecast.com/ or  https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/planetary-k-index) provide indicators such as the Kp-index to do so.

I would be very grateful if someone could provide any insight or advice!!

Kind Regards.