
I need to download a different combination of GCMs and RCMs from the CDS CORDEX catalogue entry via the CDS api but I don't know how I could automatically know which are the available combinations to download. For example if select one specific GCM I can only download some specific RCMs, but this change for each GCM selected. The same happens for the start year, it depends on the models previously selected.

Is there any catalogue content file including this information so I can include it for my automatic requests?



  1. Dear ECMWF,

    I was wondering about the same. Right now, the API is functioning fine for accessing pre-known individual data sets of CORDEX. However, when it comes to automated requests for an ensemble (i.e. a certain number of several simulations for a specific CORDEX domain or even an ensemble of opportunity) the information of GCM-RCM combinations, available scenarios, available variables, available time periods and how simulations files are sliced is required as prerequisite to the API. This is information not necessarily known by a user and expert knowledge is necessary (and a hurdle).

    Is there anything planned with regard to the CPS API to overcome this user barrier?

    Kind regards

    1. Hi Thomas,

      I was lucky and somehow I got the combinations... They are originally defined in this a bit messy file I share combining lists and dictionaries. You would need to sort it out depending on your parameter priorities. Hope it helps

  2. It is a very relevant question. Please have a look to the CORDEX documentation at CORDEX: Regional climate projections#DrivingGlobalClimateModelsandRegionalClimateModels, where you can see in the tables, what combinations do exist in the CDS.  I guess, it is difficult to constraint your request based on these tables provided from an excel sheet, so we need to think about a better way to provide this information for you in the future. Thank you!