We confirm that access to CAMS Climate Forcing Estimates through the ECMWF public web API service was stopped on 30 June 2021.

The new access method is through the CAMS Atmosphere Data Store (ADS). You can now access the available data interactively through the ADS web interface (CAMS global radiative forcings and CAMS global radiative forcing - auxilliary variables) and/or programmatically using the API.

Please follow our guidelines on How to migrate to CDS API on the Atmosphere Data Store (ADS).

The CAMS global radiative forcings data has been updated to include data covering the period 2003-2017. Updated CAMS global radiative forcings documentation is also available.

The move to the Atmosphere Data Store service is necessary as part of the CAMS strategy to unify data access for all CAMS products. 

If you have any questions about this proposed change or any comments or feedback on the new ADS, please contact us.


ECMWF Support