Grids are sometimes not harmonized, some MOHC-HADGEM2 runs use Lambert conformal coordinate system. Why not all calendars are harmonized? Sometimes daily data are measured in no-leap-year calendar, sometimes unified 365-day calendar, sometimes a standard calendar.

The grid depends on the RCMs used. It is not harmonized indeed as the grid was let free to be chosen in CORDEX by the participating groups. Only a minimal domain coverage was required. Same answer for the calendar that in addition can depend on the driving GCM. We are aware that it can create trouble for multi-model analyses.

Thanks for the answer. On the other hand, according to this document:, it seems like it is almost an obligation to use rotated-pole grid. And also, why rotated-pole grid? Why not some standard European coordinate reference system (e.g. ETRS89 or so)? Thanks.