For some stakeholders, particularly planners, the mean conditions are not what is planned for, it is the most reasonable worst case scenario that needs to be considered.

We are working on a series of guidelines to transform climate data into information about the possible change in frequency/intensity of extreme events (e.g. 1/100 return period even). A lot of work has gone into the interaction with the new emerging ISO standards for Climate Adaptation and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure. You can find some additional information on some of the work we are doing here: Concerning the « worst case scenario »: within C3S, we provide the individual runs from the RCMs. So within the ensemble, you will be able to pick up the « worst case simulation » if you need it. In particular for temperature or precipitation, it is not complicated to find the driest or the warmest runs for a given seasons. This may answer your request but estimating uncertainty around this worst case will be difficult.