As it may not be possible to load a large amount of data into the Toolbox in one 'retrieve' command, the most efficient way to process the data is to loop over the required time period (say one month at a time), process the data, and append the result to an output file. The process is repeated until all the data has been processed.

The example workflow below shows how to calculate the ERA5 daily mean 2m temperature is calculated from the hourly data for all days in 2019 and the resulting file can then be downloaded by the user.

ERA5 Toolbox Workflow
import cdstoolbox as ct
# Efficiently process 1 year of ERA5 data
# The most efficient way to process a large amount of hourly ERA5 data 
# is to retrieve 1 month at a time, process these data, and append the 
# results to an output file.
# In the example below, the daily mean 2m temperature is calculated for 2019.

@ct.application(title='Download data')
def download_application():
    for yr in ['2019']:
        for mn in [ '01', '02', '03',
                '04', '05', '06',
                '07', '08', '09',
                '10', '11', '12'
             data = ct.catalogue.retrieve(
             'product_type': 'reanalysis',
             'variable': '2m_temperature',
             'year': yr,
             'month': mn,
             'day': [
                '01', '02', '03',
                '04', '05', '06',
                '07', '08', '09',
                '10', '11', '12',
                '13', '14', '15',
                '16', '17', '18',
                '19', '20', '21',
                '22', '23', '24',
                '25', '26', '27',
                '28', '29', '30', '31'
             'time': [
                '00:00', '01:00', '02:00',
                '03:00', '04:00', '05:00',
                '06:00', '07:00', '08:00',
                '09:00', '10:00', '11:00',
                '12:00', '13:00', '14:00',
                '15:00', '16:00', '17:00',
                '18:00', '19:00', '20:00',
                '21:00', '22:00', '23:00',
             if count == 1:
                 day_mean_all=ct.cube.concat([day_mean_all, day_mean], dim='time')
             count = count + 1
    return day_mean_all