I try to do the following in a simply little python script, and the API (or queue) takes days to get a month of runoff and sometimes throws errors or stops incomplete.  Is it because, in part, much of this data is offline on tape archives?  Is there something else I might be doing wrong or I could be doing differently?  Is there another way to get the data if the API, queue, tape drive etc are simply unavoidably slow?

import cdsapi
c = cdsapi.Client()
for year in range(1981,2018):
   for mon in ["01","02","03","04","05","06","07","08","09","10","11","12"]:
        c.retrieve("reanalysis-era5-single-levels", {
           "product_type":   "reanalysis",
           "format":         "netcdf",
           "variable":       "runoff",
           "year":           str(year),
           "month":          mon,
           }, "runoff."+str(year)+mon+".nc")

I have gotten the following error, as well (but not consistently):

Exception: Download failed: downloaded 11324683 byte(s) out of 757926348”

Thanks very much for any advice.


  1. Hi Michael,

    Could you try again and let me know what happens?

    Thank you,


  2. Hi Michael,

    I have tried your request and for me it fails because it misses day and time. Might it be that your fails because of this?


  3. Hello.  Apologies if I shouldn't put a duplicate from another related thread here, but in case it helps to do so, here it is (below).  Also, FYI, I am able to download by month or year without day and time included (to answer your question, Milana).

    Thanks so much for your responses.

      1. Many thanks, Michael!