The GEWEX Global Energy Water cycle Exchanges Science Steering Group 34th edition is held in Paris at University Sorbonne. The SSG in 2022 is formed by 14 members.

This meeting is focused around the Science Plan 2023-2032, the review of progress in the 4 main international panels, GLASS, GASS, GHP, GDAP, and cross-GEWEX activities.

Day 1      Strategic Planning

08:15 – 08:30WelcomeJan Polcher, Xubin Zeng and Peter van OevelenJan Polcher Xubin Zeng and Peter van Oevelen gave the welcome to this first in-person / hybrid meeting after the pandemic. Daniel Klocke, Mike Bosilovich, Maria Piles, Tristal Lecuyer, Francina Dominguez, Ali Nazemi, Benjamin Lamprey joined remotely.
08:30 – 10:00GLASSKirsten Findell and Anne Verhoef

GLASS is made of about 10 projects (LUMIP and DICE/GABLS are retired), that are clustered in 3 topical areas:


LoCo (Joe Santanello NASA lead) include several field campaigns (GRAINEX, LAFE, LIASE 2021, FESSTVal 2021) good uptake of coupling diagnostics

GLAFO (Volker Wulfmeyer, Stuttgart lead of GLA Feedback Observatories) include turbulence & PBL observations (lidar), there are few major EU site (Hohenheim, Lindenberg, Cabauw, Payerne, Chilbolton in Europe).

SoilWat (Yijian Zeng Twente & Anne Verhoef UoR, Laure Condon U.Arizona) with focus on pedotransfer and links to soil properties and root distribution. SP-MIP has interesting results. A 3m soil is clearly not enough. GlobTemp ESA can be used.


PLUMBER2PALS ( and ILAMB (now under PALS for global runs, interesting for CP to participate (ECMWF/GLASS linkSouhail Boussetta). A new paper documenting the site just published Ukkola et al. 2022


GSWP3 and LSMIP3 are ongoing. There are 4 new initiatives.

Irrigation effort (LIAISE and GRAINEX) got a boost in 2021 thanks to the Irrigation workshop.

CLASP (Coupling Land Atmosphere Subgrid Parameterisations) focus on PBL & land heterogeneity, using LES. Origin US.

SIFMIP (Solar Induced Fluorescence MIP) aiming at Carbon/Water interactions. SIF nicely linked to transpiration. Parazoo et al. 2020 set the scene for Phase-I. Phase-II expanding on diurnal, synoptic, seasonal evaluation which can be interesting for ECMWF (linkAnna Agusti-Panareda). Nick Parazoo (JPL) is coordinating the SIF benchmarking. 

CC-dET (cross-cut with GHP) measuring & modelling ET, including interception and open water, and irrigation, Patricia Lawston-Parker (ECMWF link Margarita Choulga )

A BAMS 30-year history paper has beed submitted (ECMWF link Gianpaolo Balsamo ).

10:30 – 12:00GASSSandrine Bony and Daniel Klocke

GASS focus on understanding physical processes in the atmosphere. Good communication with WGNE. GASS will also embrace Digital Earth and VHRES process modelling. GASS projects included:

COORDE on orographic drag has a publication by van Niekerk et al. 2020. Links also with WGNE.

LS4P on land temperature predictability has a publication by Xue et al 2021 (ECMWF links Retish Senan Frederic Vitart  Gianpaolo Balsamo )

Improving the Simulation of Diurnal and Sub-Diurnal Precipitation over Different Climate Regimes is ongoing (ECMWF link Peter Bechtold )

GAP (GEWEX Aerosol Precipitation project) plan to review progress in Monterey

UTCC-PROES (Tropospheric Clouds/Convection) 

Legacy of WCRP grand challenges are fitting well with GASS. Convective organization/aggregation is blooming (4 review paper in recent years). New observation (EURECA, COMBLEX, MOSAIC, FESSTVal campaigns), new models (storm resolving) and potential synergies (CFMIP, WGNE, GDAP).

DYAMOND results are shown as multi-model example. The km-scale storm resolving models are a natural aggregator of GEWEX panels work.

GEWEX acknowledge that the landscape is changing because of Destination Earth and the new tools connected.

New proposed projects include:

Mesoscale organisation of convection/trade-wind & cloud feedback; Organisation of deep convection; Air-sea coupling; Arctic cold-air outbreaks; Stable PBL(follow-up of GABLS); Convective momentum transport; Diurnal cycle of precipitation. Orographic precipitation (INARCH link in GHP).

The 3rd Pan-GASS workshop in Monterey & CPCM (Convection-Permitting Climate Modelling) in Buenos Aires, are highlighted upcoming meetings.

13:30 – 15:00GDAPRémy Roca and Tristan L’Ecuyer

GDAP (GEWEX Data Analysis Panel) 

3 Surface network:

BSRN (Christian Lanconelli JRC, manage 76 stations, 16 closed, 9 installed, GCOS recognised reference network), 12200+ monthly files, RAMI project RAMI-V with Nadine Gobron).

GPCC (data is gridded but pre-process data can be obtained (without ID)).

ISMN (Vienna to Germany GRDC, Wouter Dorigo former coordinator).

3 Assessment Reports:

Water vapor (Phase-II started, publication in ACP/AMT/ESSD/HESS special issue) L Picon leading. On Arctic for Water vapour ACLOUD ACP special issue).

Precipitation (Joint IPWC/GEWEX precipitation assessment report is published, ERA5 compares more favourably to CERES diabatic heating compared to ERAI, see page 47, Figure 2.1.3 of the assessment report). See also Remy Roca FROGS dataset for precipitation, and Hirohiko Masunaga et al. 2019.

Earth imbalances EI GDAP assessment revealed 93% of heat imbalance is over ocean due to OHC Ocean Heat Content. 

2 Projects:

Integrated Product Project delivered 1999-2014 dataset combining several observationally based datasets. Robin Guillame-Castel & Benoit Meyssignac. The IPP dataset satisfies Energy & Water closure.

ISSCP NextGen (led by Andy Heidinger NOAA and B Khan JPL, Martin Stengel DWD CM-SAF) is reviving, with the aim to have an inter calibrated dataset to be used for cloud cover. 

Proposed new project on Regional Energy&Water consistency over land (link with GLAFO).

2022 GDAP meeting 26-30 September, Bern, Switzerland.

Link with Earth System Modelling & Observations (ESMO which absorbs WGCM/WGSIP/WGNE) and the Global Precipitation Experiment (GPEX) of WCRP are ongoing.

15:30 – 17:00GHPFrancina Dominguez and Ali Nazemi

GHPs (Global Hydroclimatology Panel) work is articulated in 4 areas:

RHPs (Regional Hydroclim Projects) ongoing. BalticEarth (Baltic regional focus) has a Special issue in ESD and Global Water Future (Canada focus). AndEx, AsiaPEX, TPE-WS.

CCs (Cross-Cut) TEAMx (focus on the Alps, PBL centric), INARCH-II (just approved follow-on to INARCH, focus on high mountain hydrology, worldwide, John Pomeroy lead) (ECMWF link Gabriele Arduini ).

Newly proposed CC-Flood, CC-Determine_ET.

GDCs (Global Data Centres): GPCC (precipitation), GRDC (runoff), HYDROLARE (lake levels, although Hydroweb might be more uptodate. SWOT satellite foreseen for Nov 2022 will increase relevance of river/lakes level measurements from space).

GHP network: essentially PannEx. A PannEx special issue published in MDPI Atmosphere.

Day 2      WCRP Light House Activities (LHAs), New Core Projects (CPs) and Meeting Planning

08:30 – 09:00Safe Landing ClimatesGabi Hegerl and Hyungyun Kim

SLC (Safe Landing Climates) lighthouse is focusing on multidecadal to millennial timescales, organised in 5 themes & Working Groups:

Safe landing pathways (CC scenarios); Understanding HRES events (regimes shift, compound events); Perturbed Carbon cycle (CO2); Water resources (eg. deforestation); Sea Level Rise .

A GEWEX Newsletter article describes the focus. 

09:00 – 09:30Digital EarthChristian Jakob and Andreas Prein

DE (Digital Earth) lighthouse focus on Global & Regional information on past, present, future. DE will link existing large scale programmes (& investments). Three main themes & WGs in DE:

  1. Fully coupled km scale regional & global (an opportunity for seamlessness between systems, thanks to overlapping resolutions). Regions focus to analyse the DE output (South America, Arctic, connect on RHP) Lead: Cathy Hohenegger (MPI).
    A NCAR workshop on 3-7 October 2022 Boulder (km-scale ESM) 
  2. Data assimilation for climate (reanalyses, although most are built in NWP context more than climate, exception NASA built for climate apps). Lead: Aneesh Subramanian (U Colorado)
    A NCAR workshop on 19-20 May (DA4Climate, after US Clivar meeting)
  3. Beyond Physical Earth System (include human interactions & impacts). Links to RHP (need co-funding of agencies) & ISIMIP (Inter-Sectoral-Impact) are important. Lead: Andreas Prein (NCAR)

Comment: DE could/should push to endorse, re-groupe & link all storm resolving projects (in EU Nextgems (& Dyamond), Destine Programme, in US, AU).

Comment: A way to overcome initial aversion to DE could be to show added value of new generation of DE models will do (precipitation & hydrological extremes, clouds, wind) to show how they fit the needs.

Comment: Links to ESMO are going to be important to benefit from overlaps.

09:30 – 10:00Explaining and PredictingKirsten Findell

EPESC (Explaining & Predicting Earth System Change) lighthouse is focusing on the science that enable the design and deployment of integrated capability for quantitative evaluation (observations, early warning, prediction of Earth System changes) at multi-annual to decadal timescales. Three themes & WGs:

  1. Observations, modelling, optimal estimation systems 
  2. integration of attribution, prediction, projection (anthropogenic & natural). Link to the A2D (Annual to Decadal Outlook), and the the World Weather Attribution Centre (led by Robert Vautard). A
    WCRP workshop on Attribution Sept 2021 is advertised.
    Co-lead: Doug Smith
  3. hazard assessment (different classes of hazard will be considered, with focus on multi-annual)
11:30 – 12:00Regional Information for Society (RiFFS)Peter van Oevelen 

RIFS (Regional Information for Society) lighthouse is organised in 4 clusters (understanding regional, ...).

RIFS will link with the RHP & GLASS panels, and link to Lighthouses.

RIFS interfaces with CORDEX, and help focus climate change scenarios of farm-scales.

RIFS is completing the chain from GHP/RHP down to users, with elements of social science, socio-economic, communication, impact.

10:30 – 11:00My Climate RiskAli Nazemi and Paola Arias

MCR (My Climate Risk) lighthouse is getting into a more mature state. Science plan consolidated. A bottom-up approach to local assessment of climate risk is embraced with people focus (see Rodriguez & Sheperd 2022).

Risk impact is at the interception of hazards, vulnerability and exposure. MCR will adopt the narrative of case studies.

Questions: How the MCR link to existing assessment? (The US National Climate Assessment, mandated by congress, the European State of Climate) and with climate services?

12:00 – 12:30Earth System Modelling and Observations (ESMO)Remy Roca and Tristan L’Ecuyer

ESMO (Earth System Modelling and Observations)  is a Core Project of WCRP (alike GEWEX) that aims at addressing the overall coordination mechanism across models, data, observations, assimilation. ESMO will encompass and provide an umbrella to several existing panels (WGNE, WGCM, WGSIP, Obs4MIP, S2S, TIRA, and a new ObsPanel?).

ESMO is the natural home to data assimilation & climate reanalysis discussions but it will also include a strong component on the Carbon Cycle current/predicted changes (linking with IG3IS/GAW, IGBP & WGCM carbon communities).

ESMO will interact with external partners in WWRP, GAW, GCOS, GOOS, CEOS/CGMS & Space Agencies, Future Earth Projects (AIMES, SOLAS). 

GEWEX has a clear role in observation stewardship (showcasing usefulness and applications).

Lead: Susann Tegtmeier & Cath Senior

13:30 – 14:00WCRP AcademyMike Bosilovich

WCRP Academy lighthouse is a marketplace for trainers and trainees of climate information. Aiming at training the future generation of climate scientists. Three thematic areas & WGs:

  1. Stocktake (survey availability/needs for training material)
  2. Identity & Portal (brand and platform to access)
  3. Finance (establish a business model for sustaining the efforts)

The current survey see University as primary recipient. Climate & Climate Change feature highest in the topics. Financial & knowledge barriers currently limit uptakes. Short courses, webinars and summer schools are among favourites (higher ranking than MOOCs).

The platform to deliver the courses is not yet decided. In Paris the Office for Climate Education portal is collecting knowledge & courses. The WMO Global Campus initiative is also aiming at providing education & training material.

14:00 – 14:30WCRP Secretariat UpdateHindumathi Palanisamy and Mike Sparrow

A brief update from JSC & secretariat: the new core project structure sees 2 new entries ESMO and RIFS (as detailed above), adding to GEWEX CliC CLIVAR and SPARC. The WCRP grand challenges are sunsetting in 2022. The WCRP Science & Implementation Plan is being drafted. A template to collect Core Projects and LHAs in preparation. A task team on Climate Intervention is being discussed. The GPEX initiative on precipitation is presented. To support the precipitation debate, Figure 21, page 32 from Haiden et al 2021 hHaiden et al. 2021 showed the sizeable advance on QPFs from early 2000s onwards in the headline scores with recent IFS versions are already outperforming ERA5.

The next JSC meeting 27 June 1 July 2022.

14:30 – 15:00Pan-GASS updateDaniel Klocke

The 3rd Pan-GASS meeting will focus on understanding and modelling atmospheric processes, and will take place in Monterey, 25-29 July 2022. There are 4 sessions:

  1. Organisation of shallow/deep convection;
  2. Surface-Atmosphere interactions and PBL;
  3. Cloud systems & associated processes;
  4. Towards global km-scale modelling and Digital Twins of Earth System.

Already 180 abstracts received. 10 keynotes (30') + 45 presentations (15'), 3 breakout groups.

15:00 – 15:30SSG-34B PlaningXubin Zeng and Jan Polcher

The structure of the Monterey week is discussed to prepare the panel’s contributions and the cross-panels themes.

The km-scale modelling is a plenary topic well identified and it is also highlighted as the way forward in GEWEX BAMS 30y review paper 

16:00 – 17:0030y of GEWEXGraeme Stephens A GEWEX history paper has been submitted to BAMS. Graeme Stephens gave a compelling keynote on the 3 phases of this history that encompasses a sizeable fraction of the energy and water cycle research advances.

Day 3      Strategic Panning continued

08:30 – 09:30Pan-GEWEX PlanningJan Polcher, Xubin Zeng and Peter van Oevelen

A pan-GEWEX plenary session is planned for the Monterey pan-GASS workshop. This session will revolve around 3 themes:

  1. Energy & Water cycle at regional scales
    1. covering natural and managed environments
    2. quantifying the different fluxes and reservoirs (with uncertainties)
    3. in which regions will closure point to emerging processes
    4. monthly to multidecadal and basins to continental
    5. connection to the carbon cycle
  2. km-scale observations and modelling of Earth system
    1. from current resolution to km-scale: what are the structural changes
    2. processes and reservoirs resolved at km-scale
    3. confronting models and observations at high resolution
    4. diurnal scales and extremes (gradients, patterns, intensities)
    5. impact on biosphere and carbon cycle
  3. Mesoscale organisation of convection
    1. Impact on water and energy fluxes
    2. role of surface-atmosphere processes interactions
    3. role of extremes 

Satellite agencies representation will be on Tuesday/Wednesday.

10:30 – 11:00WCRP HydrologyJan Polcher

WMO 2019 Council projected a vision for Hydrology.

The vision and action plans stated:

  • No one should be caught by surprise of an upcoming flood
  • Everyone should be prepared for droughts

GEWEX commented on the importance of having an Earth System perspectives and embrace climate change effects.

Gianpaolo Balsamo mentioned the GFP led by EC (JRC contact Peter Salamon; ECMWF link Christel Prudhomme )

11:00 – 11:30Global Precipitation Experiment (GPEX)Xubin Zeng

The GPEX (Global Precipitation Experiment) has been initiated by NOAA and US branch of GEWEX. WCRP has mandated a tiger-team to write a white paper on how to address major gaps in precipitation. A plot showing NOAA skill score for precipitation not significantly evolving for over 20-years in Equitable Threat Score animated the discussions.

11:30 – 12:00CyclesJan Polcher

Cycles is a new proposed activity to embrace full cycles of CO2 as well as Water & Energy. Pierre Friedlingstein for GCP. GEWEX expertise on Earth Energy Imbalances. 

A concrete step is to set a questionnaire to WCRP core programs and build an Earth System view. 

13:e0 – 15:00GEWEX Strategic Direction and ActivitiesJan Polcher and Xubin Zeng

Panels report are going to be due to the SSG members and rapporteurs need to send by  . Rapporteurs are SSG members 

Maria Piles & German Poveda GDAP, Ruby Leung GASS, Bob Su & Gianpaolo Balsamo GLASS, Mike Bosilovich GHP

16:00 – 16:30Summary Action Items RecommendPeter van Oevelen

Next GEWEX SSG meeting, Seul