Participants: Yvan Orsolini, Gianpaolo Balsamo, ISSI-BJ-Snow-HTP Team.

Meeting Notes: ISSI-BJ-HTP Notes

Meeting Team: ISSI-BJ-HTP Team

Meeting Plans: ISSI-BJ-HTP Activity

Meeting Presentations: ISSI-BJ-HTP Material

Agenda: Below the agenda of the 1st meeting (27 February-3 March 2017)


Agenda (talks of 30 minutes)

Monday FEB 27 (start 10:00)





10 min presentation about ISSI (Anna Yang)

Welcome, objectives of the first meeting, Y. Orsolini, G. Balsamo

HTP snow and the Indian summer monsoon – Y. Orsolini

The East Asian summer monsoon and the impact of snow cover over HTP– C. Zhu




Stand-alone surface modelling and land reanalysis at ECWMF – G. Balsamo

Snow Observations and International Coordination aspects – P. De Rosnay

Discussion: HTP snow and reanalyses

Workplan for the week


reception at the ISSI-BJ office (B0357, 3rd floor)


Tuesday FEB 28 (start 09:30)




East Asian Summer monsoon – Y. Gao

Some aspects of Monsoon research at IAP (tbc) – Y. Zhu







Snow data assimilation at ECMWF – P. De Rosnay

Hydrometeorological processes in the Tibetan Plateau –  K. Yang

Discussion: HTP snow and reanalyses &

Satellite data

Wesnesday MAR 1 (start 09:30)






Prediction skill and predictability of Eurasian snow cover in the NCEP Climate Forecast System – Q. He

Snow processes in the ECMWF model –  E. Dutra

Eurasian snow in (long-term) climate re-analyses – M. Wegmann



Role of Tibetan Plateau in the Asian summer monsoon onset – B. Liu


ECMWF Worktool on land modelling and data assimilation (PRISMA)

Thursday MAR 2 (start 09:30)




Connection between November Snow Cover over Eastern Europe and Winter Precipitation over East Asia –  J. Ming

Break-up groups : Model experiments / Reanalyses intercomparison and verification





Discussion of break-up groups

ECMWF Worktool on land modelling and data assimilation (PRISMA) (continued)

Discussion: HTP snow and reanalyses

Satellite data

Friday MAR 3 (start 09:30)




Break-up group : Model experiments

Break-up group : Reanalyses intercomparison and verification





ECMWF Worktool on land modelling and data assimilation (PRISMA) (continued)

Discussion: plan for articles, plan for next meeting