These are the rules for reports of domain-averaged scores, aka "the upper-air WMO scores".
One file shall contain scores relevant to one month, either daily score values or monthly means.
The format of the files is described here.
Pattern for file names (for monthly means) (for daily values)
yyyymm is year and month of the calendar month data are relevant for;
cccc is the 4-character WMO identifier of the originating centre
(ammc=Melbourne, cwao=Montreal, dems=New Delhi, ecmf=ECMWF, edzw=Offenbach, egrr=Exeter, kwbc=Washington, lfpw=Toulouse, rjtd=Tokyo, rksl=Seoul, rums=Moscow, ...);
xxx is the suffix identifying the format:
"asc" if the file is in the current format of ASCII tables exchanged by e-mail
"rec" if the file is in the new format and contains scores computed by the old rules
"rec2" if the file is in the new format and contains scores computed by the new rules (from 2011)
Incoming files
Originating centres should upload their files to the (S)FTP server (using login wmolcdnv) to the directory /data/incoming/ (URL s The server supports both ftp and sftp protocols.
The incoming directory for incoming files will be periodically scanned and new files processed. If a new file passes the syntax check it will be moved to the archive directory and its content imported to the LC DNV score database.
Archived files
URL s, directory:
/data/monthly/cccc/ (for monthly means)
/data/daily/cccc/ (for daily values)
(for the centre identifier cccc see above).
Please note the recommended transfer protocol is SFTP, although the plain FTP can be still used as well. For information on how to get access to FTP server please check here.