GRIB-API definition

NameSoil depthAbbreviationsodUnitmparamId:260367


UERRA details


 It is meant to be used together with the type of level "soil level" to encode the depth of the level at each grid point.


Positive downward. Soil levels must always start from 1 (0 soil level is the surface by default which is not encoded)


WMO GRIB2 definition

Discipline2land surface products
Parameter category3soil products
Parameter number27soil depth**
Type of first fixed surface151soil level**
Scale factor of first fixed surface0 
Scaled value of first fixed surface1/2/3/.../Xn for the nth soil level
Type of second fixed surfaceall bits to 1missing
Scale factor of second fixed surfaceall bits to 1missing
Scaled value of second fixed surfaceall bits to 1missing

**newly approved by  WMO (release in May 2016)


  1. "The soil level represents a model level for which the depth is not constant across the model domain. The depth in metres of the level is provided by another GRIB message with the parameter 'soil depth' with discipline 2, category 3 and parameter number 27."


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  2. Richard,

    why do you define the depth of layer  instead of simply defining the depth of a soil level?

    It seems strange to me to define the depth of something that has a thickness

    it should be:

    Discipline2land surface products
    Parameter category3soil products
    Parameter number27soil depth**

    Type of first fixed surface151soil level
    Scale factor of first fixed surface0 
    Scaled value of first fixed surface1/2/3/4n-th soil level
  3. Sounds good. Please go for it (smile) I am going to change this page accordingly now.

  4. great. But since this parameter has a valid level I would not have it in your "surface level parameters" but in a separate "soil level parameters" It will actually only be soil depth and soil temperature in that specific category.



    and volumetric soil water