Reference Documentation

Let's explore how to connect to the ATOS HPCF or ECS.

Accessing a login node

  1. Access the default login node of the ATOS HPCF or ECS and take note of what node you are in 

    ssh hpc-login
    ssh ecs-login
  2. Open a new tab in your terminal and connect again. Did you get the same hostname? Why is that?

    hpc-login hostname is an alias to a load-balanced service of login nodes. You may land on a different one every time you connect.

    ecs-login is an alias to a specific login node of the ECS virtual cluster. It is not automatically load-balanced, so you will typically land on the same node on consecutive connections.

    Both aliases will always point to a working login node, and the actual node and complex behind it may change depending on the load, system sessions or outages.

  3. Now, from your open SSH session on Atos HPCF or ECS, connect to the main login alias again. Did it ask for a password? Can you set your account up so jumps between hosts are done without a password?

    Password-less SSH between ECMWF hosts such as Atos HPCF or ECS nodes, or VDI hosts is not set up by default. If you were asked for a password, you can run the following command from your Atos HPCF, ECS or VDI session to set up  key-based authentication:


    After this you should be able to jump between hosts without having to introduce your password.

    Besides being convenient, this setup is also necessary for other tools such as ECACCESS or ecinteractive to work properly.

Interactive session

Standard sessions on login nodes do not guarantee access to dedicated resources such as cpus or memory, and strict limits on those are imposed. For interactive sessions with dedicated resources we will use ecinteractive

It is installed and available on all the Atos HPCF and ECS nodes, as well as the VDI. If you are connecting from your own computer with teleport, you can download it and run it there (only Mac, Linux or Windows WSL are supported).

  1. Can you get a dedicated interactive session with 10 GB of memory and 4 cpus for 8 hours?

    You can use ecinteractive like so:

    ecinteractive -c 4 -m 10 -t 8:00

    This will create an interactive job with the requested configuration and land you on a shell in a given node.

    Note that by default and unless ran directly on ECS, ecinteractive will use HPCF as the backend. If you wish to force the session to be on ECS, you can pass the extra option -p ecs

    ecinteractive -p ecs -c 4 -m 10 -t 8:00
  2. Log out of that interactive session. Can you reattach to it?

    Your job kept running in the background, and there can only be one interactive job per user. You can attach as many concurrent shells to the same interactive session, for example in different terminal tabs, with:


    If on ECS, you may want need to run:

    ecinteractive -p ecs
  3. How can you get information (amount of resources, time left, etc) of your active ecinteractive session?

    At any point, from any session, you can query ecinteractive for any active sessions with:

    ecinteractive -q

    If on ECS, you may want need to run:

    ecinteractive -p ecs -q
  4. Cancel your interactive session

    ecinteractive -k

    If on ECS, you may want need to run:

    ecinteractive -p ecs -k
  5. We can also use ecinteractive to open a JupyterLab instance on the Atos HPCF or ECS. Start a JupyterLab session with 4 GB of memory. When you are happy, cancel the ecinteractive job, since only closing the browser tab will not stop the session.

    Where to run it

    You must run ecinteractive from either VDI or your own computer. If you run the command on the Atos HPCF or ECS, it will not be able to open any browser window.

    From VDI or your own computer, you can start up jupyter like so

    ecinteractive -j -m 4

    If you want to start it on ECS, you will need to do

    ecinteractive -j -m 4 -p ecs
    ecinteractive -k

    If on ECS, you may want need to run:

    ecinteractive -p ecs -k

    If you still have the JupiterLab tab open in your browser, you will notice it will stop working.