Yes, you can download data in netCDF format if you add the keyword:

"format" : "netcdf"

With this keyword the system will automatically convert the input data using ecCodes.

The GRIB geometry should be a regular lat/lon grid or a regular Gaussian grid (the key "typeOfGrid" should be "regular_ll" or "regular_gg")

Check here for more information about how to retrieve data using that grid grid - keyword in MARS/Dissemination request

1 Comment

  1. I am installing eccodes on ubuntu but can't have success when I enable netcdf. When it is off yhe compilation is successfull.

    Typical error messsage:

    WARNING: Target "grib_to_netcdf" requests linking to directory "/home/sarr/Build_WRF/LIBRARIES/netcdf/lib". Targets may link only to libraries. CMake is dropping the item.

    /usr/bin/ld : /home/sarr/work/eccodes-2.17.0-Source/tools/grib_to_netcdf.c:2535 :undefined reference « nc_put_vara_float »