
Statistics for the  entire archiving period since 2006-01-01

Archive size [PiB]


Number of  fields


last updated2024-10-04

Statistics for the period since 2014-01-01

Number of active users


Delivered data volume [TiB]


Number of retrieved fields


Number of requests


last updated2024-09-01


(Monthly statistics are available only since  2015-01-01)

Data volumes

Volume of data retrieved from MARS before post-processing vs volume of data delivered to users after post-processing.

Bar chart

Delivered data volume (zoom from the previous graph)

Bar chart

Number of requests

Bar chart

Number of active users

Bar chart

Data volumes

Volume of data retrieved from MARS before post-processing vs volume of data delivered to users after post-processing.

Bar chart

Delivered data volume (zoom from the previous graph)

Bar chart

Number of requests

Bar chart

Number of active users

Bar chart

Users per country

  • only countries with at least 5 active users are shown
Pie chart

At least one active user (as per  2018-06-01)

At least one active user with colour density depending on the number of active users (from 1 to 742)  (as per  2018-06-01)