With ecCodes, the last of ECMWF software packages has been migrated to exclusively use cmake instead of configure. Users who have compiled ECMWF software will see the following changes:


  • The third-party tool cmake needs to be used to generate Makefiles
  • The compilation has to be performed outside the source directory (either in a subdirectory)

How do I get cmake?

The tool cmake is installed on many systems or can often installed through the system package managers. If this is not possible you can always download the code from here and compiler your own version in a temporary directory.

How does the typical compilation with cmake looks like?

$ tar -xzf eccodes-2.0.2-Source.tar.gz

$ cd eccodes-2.0.2-Source

$ mkdir build                                                    # create directory to perform installation away from source directory

$ cd build

$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/where/you/install/ecCodes      # add any other optional parameters


$ make

$ make test

$ make install