Sea ice Cover

ecCodes definition

Name:Sea ice area fractionAbbreviation:ciUnit:(0 - 1)paramId:31

S2S details

DefinitionProportion of ice covering a water grid box. The values are between 0 (sea) and 1 (ice).
ValidityDaily averaged
CommentComputed from instantaneous values at 00, 06, 12 and 18Z - Land points should be set as missing values.

WMO GRIB2 definition

Discipline= 10 Oceanographic products
Parameter Category= 2Ice
Parameter Number= 0Ice cover
Type of first fixed surface= 1Ground or water surface
Scale factor of first fixed surface= all bits to 1Missing
Scaled value of first fixed surface= all bits to 1Missing
Type of second fixed surface= all bits to 1
Scale factor of second fixed surface= all bits to 1Missing
Scaled value of second fixed surface= all bits to 1Missing