Good afternoon all

I'd like to ask about a problem that's been bugging me for a few days now: Is there a way to write the O3 concentrations used by the radiation scheme to output?

Some background: By default, OpenIFS uses the Cariolle scheme to parametrized O3 chemistry but the radiation scheme only uses O3 climatology. The O3 that is written to output is what comes from the Cariolle scheme, and not the O3 that is used by the radiation scheme.

Is there a way to output the O3 used in the radiation scheme?
I can see the ZQO3 array in ifs/phys_radi/radintg.F90 and this seems to be what is used by the radiation scheme. If the prognostic Cariolle scheme is used, then ZQO3 takes the values from that scheme, otherwise it comes from climatology. But can't we make sure that the O3 climatology is written to output?

It becomes very confusing if the O3 output is not what is actually used in OpenIFS.

Many thanks for any help!