Blog from February, 2017

5-9th June 2017

International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP),  Trieste, Italy


Workshop theme

  "Atmospheric Variability: Seasonal Predictability & Teleconnections"
      with keynote presentations and submitted contributions.


We invite abstracts on the workshop theme, related topics and other uses of OpenIFS/IFS in research and education, but also applications of intermediate complexity models such as SPEEDY.

The meeting will also be an opportunity to meet ECMWF scientists, and learn more about the ECMWF forecast model and research.


Young scientists are encouraged to apply. Financial support is available. Registration is free.
The meeting will include training on OpenIFS, with classroom activities on application of models to case studies of atmospheric variability and seasonal predictability.


  1  March 2017 - European Met. Society Young Scientist Travel Award
  31 March 2017 - if requesting financial support.
  30 April 2017 - final deadline for abstract submission & registration

  Fred Kucharski, ICTP
  Susanna Corti, ISAC-CNR, Bologna
  Paolo Ruggieri, L'Aquila
  Glenn carver, ECMWF