Preliminary, beta version of new API for C/C++ and Fortran, see api subdirectory for examples. All comments, suggestions and ideas for improvement will be much appreciated!
- New SQL syntaxes:
- CREATE TABLE for associating SQL tables with files and setting metadata of new files
- 'SELECT ALL *' for reading heterogeneous files (different columns on different parts of a file), available via the new API (ODBQL)
- INSERT for writing files, available via ODBQL
- MATCH '(' expression_list ')' IN QUERY '(' select_statement ')'
- ECML, the embedded scripting language based on MARS language syntax, has been merged into ODB API
- ODB API has been integrated with MarsKit, which allows direct retrieval of data from MARS or ODB Server
- ODB Server's functionality for local files available as part of the library
- A tarball with ODB API and all its dependencies is available, see file odb_api_bundle-0.13.0-Source.tar.gz. To build MarsKit it is necessary to pass -DENABLE_GRIBPP=OFF to cmake