Start date | End date (short events) | Event type | Affected data | Description |
01/01/2018 | 15/01/2018 | Technical problem | Ocean5 in-situ data | Problem with ocean5 data. The date stamp is wrongly set to 2008 instead of 2018. The problem is being solved. |
10/01/2018 | Blacklist | AIREP temperature data | Blacklist of AIREP temperature data. Similar data are provided by experimental AMDAR data. AIREP temperatures are not bias corrected which would create inconsistencies | |
12/01/2018 | Blacklist | GEOS-13 AMVs | Blacklist of GOES-13 AMVs | |
15/01/2018 | Blacklist update | In-situ data | conventional monthly blacklist update | |
25/01/2018 | Blacklist | METOP-A/GOME Ozone | Blacklist of METOP-A/GOME Ozone due to the satellite drift | |
26/01/2018 | Outage | Most NOAA data | Outage of NOAA data due to a change of the way the data is made available. Problem solved quickly. | |
01/02/2018 | New data | Radiosondes | Extra observations performed in the context of YOPP/SOP1. This includes extra radiosonde launches at 06/18 | |
07/02/2018 | Blacklist | Meteosat-10 (ASR and AMVs) | Blacklist of Meteosat-10 data (ASR and AMV) after it started drifting to its new position in the context of the swap to MET-11 | |
20/02/2018 | Activation | MET-11 (ASR and AMV) | Activation of MET-11 data (ASR and AMV) | |
06/03/2018 | Activation | FY-3C/GNOS | Activation of FY-3C/GNOS in the stratosphere and upper tropopshere | |
27/03/2018 | Blacklist | FY-3C (all data) | Blacklist of all FY-3C data during the satellite manoeuvre. Data were back on the beginning of April but some instruments are affected by geolocation issues and an increased noise (MWHS2) | |
06/04/2018 | Technical problem | BUFR radiosondes | An incident caused the non extraction of BUFR radiosondes on 06/04/2018 12DA. To avoid significant delays the model has been run without these data. There is an option to re-archive the missed observations in the bufr input (AI) but in this case AI won't be consistent with what the model used for that cycle | |
11/04/2018 | Re-activation | FY-3C/GNOS | Activation of FY-3C/GNOS after the satellite manouvre | |
18/04/2018 | Re-activation | FY-3C/MWHS2 | Activation of FY-3C/MWHS2 after the geolocation problem is fixed | |
18/04/2018 | New data monitored | NOAA20/ATMS | Monitoring of NOAA20/ATMS | |
18/04/2018 | New data monitored | GOES-16 AMVs | Monitoring of GOES-16 AMVs | |
06/05/2018 | 14/05/2018 | Outage | FY-3C/MWHS2 | |
09/05/2018 | 18/05/2018 | Outage | AURA OMI Ozone | Apparently it is a technical issue related to authentication |
09/05/2018 | Blacklist update | In-situ data | Monthly blacklist including the removal of AMDAR winds (old AIREP) from B787 flights. These measurements are affected by a software issue causing large intermittent wind problems | |
22/05/2018 | Re-activation | GOES-16 AMVs | ||
22/05/2018 | Re-activation | NOAA-20 ATMS | ||
22/05/2018 | New data monitored | GOES-16 CSR | ||
23/05/2018 | 4/06/2018 | Quality issue | NOAA-19/MHS Ch3 | Onset of problems affecting NOAA-19/MHS Ch3 causing very large O-B errors (see here). The problem is related to the cold counts for MHS channel 3 that are exceeding the limit that has been used since launch. Some processing systems (AAPP and EUMETSAT processing) are less tolerant and had to be updated. This channel is not used at ECMWF |
21/06/2018 | Quality issue | AQUA AMSUA Ch14 | :Sudden deterioration of AQUA AMSUA Ch14 and to less extent Ch13. Both systematic and random errors are affected. The reason is still unknown but being investigated. A blacklist change is planned for 25/06/2018. Blacklist implemented on 24/06/2018 | |
26/06/2018 | Activation | BUFR ARGO | Transition to the use of ARGO BUFR in ocean5 | |
28/06/2018 | 2/07/2018 | Outage | Metop-B IASI | Outage of Metop-B IASI due to an ice decontamination operation |
29/06/2018 | 17/07/2018 | Outage | AMSR2 | |
09/07/2018 | Blacklist update | In-situ data | Monthly blacklist update | |
26/07/2018 | Activation | GOES-16 CSR | ||
26/07/2018 | 01/08/2018 | New version of data | NOAA-20 ATMS | Switch to the use of brightness temperatures (SDRs) for NOAA-20 ATMS (instead of antenna temperatures (TDRs)). Data are blacklist to allow the VarBC to adapt to the new change |
26/07/2018 | New data monitored | NOAA20/CrIS | Passive monitoring of NOAA20/CrIS | |
14/08/2018 | Blacklist update | In-situ data | Monthly blacklist update (includes activation of Japanese High res BUFR radiosonde data) | |
21/08/2018 | Blacklist | SAPHIR | Blacklist of SAPHIR due to increased noise (onset around 17/08/2018) | |
04/09/2018 | Passive activation | SAPHIR | Passive activation of SAPHIR to allow VarBC adjustment. The instrument will be actively used from 09/09/2018. | |
09/09/2018 | 13/09/2018 | New data | Radiosondes and ARGO | Extra radiosondes on the Eastern side of the USA due to expected arrival of TC FLORENCE. A number of ALAMO (Air-Launched Autonomous Micro Observer) devices were also launched to observe the ocean conditions around the TC. These devices were sent as ARGO. The temporal resolution was very high |
10/09/2018 | Blacklist update | In-situ data | Monthly blacklist update | |
11/09/2018 | Activation | NOAA20/CrIS | Activation of NOAA20/CrIS | |
11/09/2018 | 13/09/2018 | Outage | NOAA 20 (CrIS and ATMS) | Outage of NOAA 20 data (CrIS and ATMS) due to a change in EUMETCast setting |
24/09/2018 | 28/09/2018 | New data | Dropsondes | Dropsondes received from Japan as part of TCPARC-II experiments targetting tropical cyclones |
12/10/2018 | Data resumption | Ground-based GPS | Ground based GPS data from USA and Australia back | |
19/10/2018 | Technical problem | NOAA2-/CrIS | Strangely NOAA-20 CrIS appears to be added to the blacklist (only for LWDA cycles). No blacklist change was implemented. This problem is being investigated. The problem has been solved and it was traced to interference with the FSOI system | |
21/10/2018 | Quality issue | NOAA-18 MHS | Anomaly affecting NOAA-18 MHS leading the corrupted observations (missing). The instrument will be blacklisted on 23/10/2018 awaiting further details to assess the situation when the data are back. Data blacklisted on 23/10/2018 | |
22/10/2018 | Outage | Himawari-8 CSR | Himawari-8 CSR went missing due to technical processing problem that was solved quickly by the observation team after they were notified | |
23/10/2018 | 15/11/2018 | Blacklist | GOES-15 (CSR and AMVs) | Temporary blacklist of GOES-15 data during the orbit drift of the satellite. The drift has been postponed till 29/10/2018 and therefore the satellite will not reach its new position till 15/11/2018. Data will be used again after this date |
14/11/2018 | Technical change | SHIP | Update to avoid the usage of SHIP over land. Few cases were picked up by the daily report recently | |
14/11/2018 | Blacklist | SAPHIR | Temporary blacklist of SAPHIR due to geolocation errors | |
15/11/2018 | New data | Radiosondes | Start of the SOP for Antarctica involving extra-radiosondes | |
19/11/2018 | New data monitored | S5P/TROPOMI CO | Monitoring (in CAMS) of CO from S5P/TROPOMI | |
20/11/2018 | Technical change | ARGO | Change to improve the QC of ARGO floats in OCEAN5. The change also include the greylist file | |
21/11/2018 | Blacklist update | BUFR drifting buoys | Surface winds from drifter buoys (reporting in BUFR) started to be used unintentionally after some data providers started to provide non missing winds. An emergency blacklist is being prepared. Blacklist implemented on 22/11/2018 | |
22/11/2018 | Blacklist update | ARGO | Bug-fix for NEMOQC so ArgoGreyList can be applied to Argo BUFR report (ArgoGreyList has stopped applying since 1/July 2018 after BUFR migration). | |
05/12/2018 | Activation | S5P/TROPOMI Ozone | Activation (in CAMS) of S5P/TROPOMI ozone | |
07/12/2018 | Quality issue | Metop-B/MHS | temporary degradation of Metop-B/MHS. According to EUMETSAT the problem is not related to serious issues | |
10/12/2018 | Blacklist update | In-situ data | Monthly blacklist update | |
10/12/2018 | New data monitored | Aeolus HLOS winds | Operational monitoring of winds from Aeolus | |
12/12/2018 | New data monitored | Metop-C AMSUA, MHS and GRAS | Operational monitoring of AMSUA, MHS and GPSRO from METOP-C | |
20/12/2018 | New data monitored | S5P/TROPOMI SO2 and HCHO | Monitoring of SO2 and HCHO from S5P (in CAMS) | |
20/12/2018 | Outage | SAPHIR | Outage of SAPHIR |