Start date | End date (short events) | Event type | Affected data | Description |
07/01/2013 | New version of data | MLS ozone data | Acquisition of a new version (Version 3) of MLS ozone data | |
15/01/2013 | Activation | MTSAT-2 AMVs | ||
15/01/2013 | Blacklist Update | MTSAT-2 CSR | MTSAT-2 CSR set to passive to allow cycling of VarBC. Data to be used after few days | |
15/01/2013 | Blacklist Update | MET-10/ASR | Disable the VARBC cycling during the satellite relocation | |
15/01/2013 | Blacklist | MET-9/ASR | Blacklist MET-9/ASR during the satellite relocation | |
15/01/2013 | Outage | METOP-B/GRAS | Planned outage (till 4/2/2013) of METOP-B/GRAS. EUMETSAT is undertaking a GRAS instrument parameter test during the second half of January, and potentially into early February, on the Metop-B satellite. | |
18/01/2013 | 24/01/2013 | Temporary | S-NPP/ATMS | Temporary blacklist of ATMS to avoid potential lunar intrusions problems |
18/01/2013 | 23/01/2013 | Corrupted metadata | SSMI data from F-15 | SSMI data from F-15 were affected by a problem of date and time. The dates for the start, end, and ascending node are 3 days higher than they should be, sometimes 4 days higher for the start and end times, and the hour for the ascending node time is incorrect. These data were rejected during the pre-processing stage due to this date error. These data are not used by our system. However, ECMWF was affected indirectly by these data via OSTIA SST and sea ice products (using SSMI from F-15). We had a jump of the sea-ice over the North polar region near Alaska (see the analysis from 20130119 12 UTC and 20130120 12 UTC). |
22/01/2013 | Quality issues | F18 SSMIS | The F18 SSMIS (not used at ECMWF) has been experiencing apparently random system wide data anomalies. They can be seen as spikes in either the gains and or OB-BK patterns that last for 3-9 scans per occurrence. The data producer is trying to perform several flight software and hardware mods to hopefully mitigate this issue. | |
24/01/2013 | re-activation | MET-10/AMVs | Activation of MET-10/AMVs after the successful relocation of MET-10 at 0º. | |
24/01/2013 | Blacklist update | MET-10 All sky | Passive monitoring of MET-10 All sky radiances after the successful relocation of MET-10 at 0º | |
24/01/2013 | New data monitored | METOP-B/IASI | Start monitoring the first IASI data from METOP-B | |
05/02/2013 | New data monitored | FY-3B/MWTS and FY-3B/MWHS | ||
05/02/2013 | Activation | MTSAT-2 CSR | Activation after a period of VarBC cycling | |
05/02/2013 | Activation | MET-10 ASR | Activation after a period of VarBC cycling | |
09/02/2013 | 10/02/2013 | Outage | AQUA/AIRS | Outage of AIRS. The AIRS scanner went into "power down" mode. It is now stopped at a scan angle near 14 degrees (nadir is zero). There was no prior warning in any telemetry parameters that anything was amiss. The mode change was nearly instantaneous. The fault occurred during a day/night transition at a high northern latitude. The AIRS operations team and the Goddard Aqua Flight Operations Team and ESMO Project are working together to solve the problem. An attempt to restart the scanner will be made tomorrow, February 9. |
10/02/2013 | Data resumption | AQUA/AIRS | The AIRS instrument was restored successfully to OPERATE mode.It has now returned to normal operations and is generating valid science data. | |
5/02/2013 | 14/02/2013 | Outage | METOP-B/IASI | METOP-B/IASI missing. This was due to a change of the EUMETCast reception channel from EPS-19 to EPS-11. |
19/02/2013 | Blacklist | Snow data | Blacklist of snow data from two Canadian stations (71976 and 71743). These two stations are systematically reporting very low snow depth values. | |
19/02/2013 | Outage | NPP data (CrIS and ATMS) | Outage of NPP data (CrIS and ATMS). The problem is at the level of NOAA/NDE. It appears that the problem has now been solved | |
26/02/2013 | Blacklist | Snow data | Blacklist of snow data from two Seberian stations (91.97N/114E and 71.58N/128.92E). These two stations are systematically reporting unrealistic low amounts of snow. | |
26/02/2013 | Technical change | FY3B MWTS | Update of RTTOV coefficients for FY3B MWTS. | |
12/03/2013 | Blacklist update | In-situ data | Monthly update of the blacklist for conventional observations. The blacklist contains new stations that will be monitored for a month before we can potentially activate them. | |
20/03/2013 | Blacklist | NOAA-17 SBUV | ||
20/03/2013 | 25/03/2013 | Blacklist | GOES-15 CSR and AMVs | Blacklist GOES-15 CSR and AMVs 20/3 to 25/3 due to yaw manoeuver |
20/03/2013 | New data monitored | NOAA-19/AVHRR AMVs | ||
20/03/2013 | 21/03/2013 | Blacklist | METOP-A/MHS | blacklist of METOP-A/MHS during out of plane manoeuvre and gain change. The gain change is an attempt to slow down the radiometric noise increase. |
21/03/2013 | Outage | METOP-A data | Outage of METOP-A data (IASI, AMSUA, MHS, HIRS and ASCAT) during the satellite out of plan manoeuvre. | |
27/03/2013 | 15/04/2013 | Blacklist Blacklist update | JMA wind profilers | Blacklist of JMA wind profilers data. The data are being received but JMA has changed the BUFR template (since the beginning of March timeseries). We decided to blacklist the data till we are sure about its quality. |
05/04/2013 | 06/04/20313 | AQUA/AIRS | Outage of AIRS due to an on-board problem. The problem has been fixed on 06/04/2013 and the AIRS data are flowing again. However the root cause of the problem is still unknown. | |
31/03/2013 | Quality issues | AMSUA Channel 7 from NOAA-15 and NOAA-19 | The noise of NOAA-15/AMSUA channel 7 increased suddenly.The noise is still acceptable but high peaks occurred. A blacklist change is being prepared to remove the channel from the system (see timeseries). We also noticed a continuous increase of the radiometric noise of NOAA-19/AMSUA Channel 7. The noise is now beyond the instrument specifications (0.25K) | |
15/04/2013 | Activation | JMA wind profilers | : Activate wind data from JMA profilers. Data were checked carefully and the quality is good below 300 hPa (These data were blacklisted further to an untested BUFR template change from JMA) | |
13/04/2013 | 16/04/2013 | Corrupted metadata | DMSP-15/SSM/I | Once again, DMSP-15/SSM/I data were affected by date inconsistencies (2012 instead 2013 inside the files). We rejected the data (which are not directly used) in our pre-processing systems (see timeseries). However, OSI-SAF sea-ice suffered from this problem and resulted in a huge area of missing sea-ice (Thanks to Sarah for passing the information). Probably the OSTIA analysis will be impact by this today or tomorrow (unless they have additional data or the analysis is able to cater with this). |
20/04/2013 | Quality issues | S-NPP/ATMS | Sudden increase of the noise of some ATMS channels (see timeseries). This is again caused by the moon intrusion (see space view counts). | |
24/04/2013 | Status change | Metop-B | METOP-B declared operational by EUMETSAT | |
24/04/2103 | 29/04/2013 | Data reduced - internal technical issue | Metop-B instruments | METOP-B data (AMSUA, MHS and ASCAT) are still severely reduced (by nearly half of the normal count) |
29/04/2013 | Technical change | SYNOP | Implementation of a WMO High Res station list (replacing the standard version). The high resolution list aims to address an issue that appeared in November 2012 just after the implementation of an updated version of WMO station list. The updated list caused a shift in SYNOP lat/lon | |
26/04/2013 | Quality change | F16/SSMIS | Several F16/SSMIS sounding channels started to experience a significant shift of bias and increase of the noise (see time series). ECMWF is not using F16 SSMIS data and we are also not using sounding data from SSMIS in general (although it's planned for 39r1 to start using some WV sounding SSMIS channels) . | |
09/05/2013 | Technical change | S-NPP/ATMS | addition of an ATMS flag for lunar intrusion. | |
09/05/2013 | Data change | SBUV Ozone | Change of the assimilation of SBUV Ozone data from the 6 layers product | |
14/05/2013 | Activation | NOAA-15/AMSU-A Channel 7 | Activation of NOAA-15/AMSU-A Channel 7 after being for one month in the blacklist. Our monitoring statistics showed a return to normal (time series). Channel 7 is an important channel as it's provided temperature information around the Tropopause. Only 2 AMSUA channel 7 (METOP-B and NOAA-18) are being used currently. | |
14/05/2013 | New data monitored | METOP-B/AVHRR AMVs | ||
14/05/2013 | 20/05/2013 | Blacklist | MET-7 data | Temporary blacklist of MET-7 data during ground segment maintenance and east-west station keeping manoeuvre |
15/05/2013 | Blacklist update | In-situ data | ||
22/05/2013 | Activation | METOP-B/GRAS | Active assimilation of METOP-B/GRAS after a long period of passive monitoring | |
22/05/2013 | Outage | GOES-13 | Outage of GOES-13. The anomaly is being investigated by NOAA. As a precautionary measure, GOES-13 data (AMVs and CSR) are blacklisted | |
04/06/2013 | data reduction | AMDAR and AIREP | Severe drop of AMDAR and AIREP data due to an internal technical issue that has been solved (see timeseries). | |
12/06/2013 | Re-activation | GOES-13 | ||
18/06/2013 | 24/06/2013 | Outage | METEOSAT-10 ASR | METEOSAT-10 All Sky Radiances missing due to an update by EUMETSAT of the BUFR format |
24/06/2013 | Blacklist | MTSAT-2 (CSR and AMVs) | Blacklist of MTSAT-2 data (CSR and AMVs) as a precaution before the North-South Manoeuvre on 26/06/2013 | |
24/06/2013 | 03/07/2013 | Blacklist | METOP-A/GRAS | Blacklist METOP-A/GRAS due to a planned instrument maintenance. |
01/07/2013 | 16/07/2013 | Blacklist | MET-10 data (ASR and AMVs) | Blacklist of MET-10 data (ASR and AMVs) due to SEVIRI decontamination from 01 July 2013 08:00 UTC - 09 July 2013 09:15 UTC. |
01/07/2013 | Quality issues | NOAA-19/HIRS | Noise increase for NOAA-19/HIRS (see overview plot). From NOAA housekeeping data it seems that the anomaly is caused by the filter wheel (the filter wheel and filter wheel housing temperature has increased too) | |
10/07/2013 | Activation postponed | MTSAT-2 (CSR and AMVs) | Activation of MTSAT-2 data (CSR and AMVs) has been postponed till the upcoming manoeuvres are completed and the data checked | |
12/07/2013 | 17/07/2013 | Quality issues | wind speed | NCEP reported about a problem that affected wind speed (wrong unit was used) from SYNOP data routed via Washington. ECMWF analysis was not affected as we are not using surface winds over land. |
15/07/2013 | Data change | GOME-2 | On the 15th of July, EUMETSAT started the GOME-2 tandem operations with METOP-A/GOME-2 covering a reduced swath 960 km (leading to a better precision) and METOP-B/GOME-2 with a large swath (1920 km). As we can see from our monitoring, the bias of the total column ozone decreased substantially (see time series). | |
25/07/2013 | Data suspended | MODIS Terra Water Vapor Polar Winds | Suspension of the MODIS Terra Water Vapor Polar Winds due to increased striping that has been observed on NASA's MODIS Terra water vapour channels. These are impacting the production of the polar wind vectors. As a precaution, the data will be blacklisted on Monday (29/07/2013) | |
29/07/2013 | Activation | MTSAT-2 AMVs | Activation of MTSAT-2 AMVs after a relatively long period in the blacklist due to several manoeuvres. MTSAT-2 CSR are still in the blacklist | |
29/07/2013 | 07/08/2013 | Blacklist | GOES-13 and GOES-15 AMVs | Blacklist of GOES-13 and GOES-15 AMVs due to a change in the temporal resolution from 3 hours to 1 hour. Data quality needs to be checked |
31/07/2013 | Activation | MTSAT-2 CSR | ||
31/07/2013 | Activation | METOP-B/ASCAT | Activation of METOP-B/ASCAT and update of METOP-A and METOP-B ASCAT sigma nought and wind bias correction coefficients | |
31/07/2013: | Quality issues | METOP-A/AMSUA channel 3 | EUMETSAT just declared METOP-A/AMSUA Channel 3 as out of specifications (see radiometric noise). Our monitoring statistics (even the long term ones) are not showing a noticeable change of the noise. This is because of the combination of the spatial average we do and most importantly the magnitude of departure is significantly larger than the NEAT specifications. Although this channel is not used directly but it's really important for the cloud detection tests. The channel will continue to be used but we will keep an eye on it. | |
26/07/2013 | Quality issues | METOP-A and METOP-B AMSUA | METOP-A and METOP-B AMSUA data were affected by a serious problem over the North polar region. The obs values were wrongly warmer by 20 degrees than they should be (see timeseries). As the other satellites were not affected by this problem it's very likely that it's due to a glitch in EUMETSAT ground segment processing. The 4D-VAR managed to reject these observations. | |
17/08/2013 | Outage | NOAA-19/HIRS | We stopped receiving data from NOAA-19/HIRS. These data have been blacklisted since 9/7/2013 due to increased noise. | |
06/09/2013 | 12/09/2013 | Outage | Jason-2 | Jason-2 instrument went into safe mode (the second during the last few months). The safe mode is likely to be due to a corrupted memory slots. CNES switched the instrument to the Primary Module (PM1) and it's analysing the cause of these safe modes. |
21/09/2013 | 23/09/2013 | Outage | NPP CrIS and ATMS | |
22/09/2013 | 23/09/2013 | Outage | OceanSat-2 OSCAT | According to EUMETSAT, the problem is most likely connected to a processing error and ISRO and EUMETSAT are working on a solution of the problem. |
26/09/2013 | Activation | AUTO-METAR | Activation of AUTO-METAR data. Data were checked and they look good. The number of "used" METAR data increased significantly (see timeseries). | |
22/10/2013 | 26/12/2013 | Outage | MTSAT-2 | Due to the annual maintenance of MTSAT-2 ground segment, CSR and AMVs from MTSAT-2 are not disseminated. Instead JMA is distributing MTSAT-1R data |
31/10/2013 | Activation | MTSAT-1R CSR and AMVs. | ||
5/11/2013 | 8/11/2013 | Outage | METOP-A/IASI | Outage of METOP-A/IASI due to the upload of new software version to the Instrument Management System. |
14/11/2013 | Blacklist | TRMM/TMI | A temporary blacklist is being prepared to deal with a sudden odd behaviour of TRMM/TMI bias (see time series). Update (18/11/2013): TMI statistics are back to normal (see timeseries). RD is planning to activate the data on Wednesday after the implementation of 40R1 | |
18/11/2013 | Quality issues | METOP-A/AMSUA | As expected METOP-A/AMSUA Channel 8 noise kept increasing and it's now above specifications (see timeseries). The EARS team decided not to produce it any more (for the EARS streams). RD decided to put it out of the system (permanently) as no benefit is expected from it. | |
20/11/2013 | Blacklist | NPP ATMS | We were informed about a change to the antenna pattern correction for NPP ATMS is being introduced. This will affect the bias characteristics of the data (not details are provided). RD are planning to blacklist ATMS temporarily on Wednesday (20/11/2013) | |
26/11/2013 | Blacklist update | NPP ATMS | ATMS activated after few days of blacklist to allow the adaptation of the VarBC to the antenna pattern correction | |
28/11/2013 | 03/12/2013 | Outage | OCEANSAT/OSCAT | |
03/12/2013 | New data monitored | Metop-B/GOME2 Ozone | ||
04/12/2013 | Blacklist | JMA profilers | Blacklist JMA profilers to allow preparation for the upcoming reporting practices. | |
18/12/2013 | Blacklist | MTSAT-1R CSR and AMVs | ||
24/12/2013 | 27/12/2013 | Quality issues | METOP-B/AMSU-B Ch 9 | Sudden increase of the noise associated to METOP-B/AMSU-B Ch 9 (see timeseries). The problem triggered severe alarms for few cycles. It showed up in NOAA/NESDIS monitoring too (see NEDT). The noise went back to normal after few days but the root cause remains unknown. |
19/11/2013 | 08/01/2014 | technical issues | ASAP radiosondes | Rejection of ASAP and Dropsonde data since the implementation of 40R1 |