Blog from May, 2020

The aim of the workshop is to introduce the features of the joint ECMWF and EUMETSAT cloud computing systems, to provide an overview of the existing projects already using these systems and to facilitate a dialogue on the future use of the European Weather Cloud by MS-NMHSs in their official duty capacity.

Access to this particular workshop is by invitation only.

Post Meeting Update: Presentations are now available:


Enrolment 07:30 UTC  (08:30 BST / 09:30 CEST / 10:30 EEST)

Opening 30-mins before the start of the meeting to allow users to verify successful connection to the online meeting tool.

Start of Workshop 08:00 UTC (09:00 BST / 10:00 CEST / 11:00 EEST)

Introduction to the European Weather Cloud (08:00 UTC)

Chair Session 1: Joachim Saalmüller 

  1. Introduction to the European Weather Cloud (Florian Pappenberger/Joachim Saalmüller)
  2. How the hosted processing infrastructures of ECMWF and EUMETSAT are integrated in the European Weather Cloud & the current data and services available to the user (Xavier Abellan/Armagan Karatosun)

Morning Break (09:00 - 09:30 UTC)

Using the system (09:30 UTC)

Chair Session 2: Stephan Siemen

  1. Demonstration of some current use cases of the European Weather Cloud 

    –LSA SAF: Florian Pinault (Météo-France)

    –Training: Christine Traeger Chatterjee (EUMETSAT)

    –Support for DHMZ Operational Forecasting: Izidor Pelajic (Croatia)

    –Climate Explorer:  Geert Jan Van Oldenborgh (KNMI)

    –Machine Learning: Stephan Siemen on behalf of Matthew Chantry (Oxford University)


Lunch break (11:00 - 12:00 UTC )

Looking to the future and getting involved (12:00 UTC )

Chair Session 3: Jörg Schulz

  1. Overview of the evolution plans for the European Weather Cloud
  2. How to get involved
  3. Open Q&A on all sessions

Workshop closure 14:00 UTC