Emoslib is now deprecated

A subroutine which can be called from FORTRAN to read a block of bytes from an unblocked binary file. The return status code must be checked after calling the subroutine. (Note that this routine behaves differently from PBREAD on hitting end-of-file.)

The format and arguments for the subroutine are:


Input parameters are INTEGERs.


PBREAD2 input arguments
KUNITIndex of a C file pointer obtained from PBOPEN
KOUNTThe number of BYTES to read from the file

Output parameters are INTEGERs.


PBREAD2 output arguments
KARRAYAn integer array to accept the bytes read
Status return code:
 >=0, number of bytes read from the file. If end-of-file is encountered, KRET
      returns the number of bytes actually read. To detect EOF, the caller must
      check this value against the number of bytes requested
  -2, error in reading the file