Emoslib is now deprecated


CALL SYMINV( a , nd , n , cond , work , eps )


a - array containing the lower triangle of matrix including
the diagonal
On output, a is overwritten by the inverse lower triangle

nd - integer first dimension of a

n - integer dimension of matrix a

work - array of dimension n containing work space

eps - real optional parameter
ill-conditioning test value (default is 0)
eps>0 makes the positive definite test more severe.
This optional parameter is not available on workstations.

cond - estimated condition number

if A is not positive-definite -


where I is the rank of the first principal minor of A that is
not positive-definite.

if A is positive definite -


i.e. in the infinity norm, an upper limit on the inverse of


cond is small for ill-conditioned A.