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We can keep maintenance simple using a single "task wrapper file", called in multiple contexts, for multiple tasks. It can be seen as a single task in research mode, for example, while it is used to generate multiple jobs in parallel in operation so we can get the expected data faster, still respecting the blocks that cannot be run in parallel, calling the task again as a single exclusive job:

task wrapper example: process.ecf
%include <head.h>
if [[ %PARALLEL:1% == 1 ]]; then
  for param in %PARAM:2t u v rh%; do
    # process: create ${param}.grib

if [[ %SERIAL:1% == 1 ]]; then
  for param in %PARAM:2t u v rh%; do
    # push into data base
%include <tail.h>

suite definition example
suite example
# task process; # research mode, call one task do-it-all
# operational mode: split parallel and serial blocks:
family parallel
   edit PARALLEL 1
   edit SERIAL   0
   limit mutex 1
   limit   count 5
   inlimit count
   family 2t
      edit PARAM 2t
      task process
   family u
      edit PARAM u
      task process
   family v
      edit PARAM v
      task process
   family rh
      edit PARAM rh
      task process
endfamily # parallel

family serial
   trigger parallel eq complete
   inlimit mutex
   edit PARALLEL 0
   edit SERIAL   1
   task process

A real case example is given by the family ensms (ensemble mean statistics) where few parameters and multiple level shall generate tasks and grib files in parallel, while a single task by the end moves the grib files into the fields data base ("limit em 1" is used as a mutex)