Here is an example of a script as a local native perl task
- definition file:
task perl
edit ECF_MICRO '^'
edit ECF_JOB_CMD '^ECF_JOB^ > ^ECF_JOBOUT^ 2>&1'
label info "none"
meter step -1 100 100
event 1
event 2
#!/usr/bin/env perl # use strict; my $ECF_PORT=^ECF_PORT:0^; $ENV{'ECF_PORT'} = "^ECF_PORT:0^"; # port $ENV{'ECF_NODE'} = "^ECF_NODE:0^"; # host $ENV{'ECF_NAME'} = "^ECF_NAME:0^"; # task path $ENV{'ECF_PASS'} = "^ECF_PASS:0^"; # password $ENV{'ECF_TRYNO'} = "^ECF_TRYNO:0^"; # job number sub xinit() { system("ecflow_client --init=$$"); } sub xabort() { system("ecflow_client --abort=$$"); } sub xcomplete() { system("ecflow_client --complete"); } sub xmeter($$) { my $name=shift; my $value=shift; system("ecflow_client --meter=$name $value"); } sub xevent($) { my $n=shift; system("ecflow_client --event=$n"); } sub xlabel($$) { my $name=shift; my $value=shift; system("ecflow_client --label $name $value"); } xinit(); eval '
# '; if ($@){ print "caught signal: $@\n"; xabort(); exit; } print "the job is now complete\n"; xcomplete(); exit;
task wrapper:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # perl.ecf ^include <> ^manual one liner manual ^end ^comment one liner comment ^end xlabel("info", "start"); xevent("1"); print "a perl task"; for (my $step=1; $step <= 100; $step++) { print "this is the step number $step\n"; xmeter("step", $step); } xevent("2"); xlabel("info", "completion"); ^include <>