bufr_copy examples

  1. To copy only the SYNOP messages from a file

    >  bufr_copy -w dataCategory=0 in.bufr out.bufr

  2. To copy only the non-SYNOP messages from a file

    >  bufr_copy -w dataCategory!=0 in.bufr out.bufr

  3. Use the square brackets to insert the value of a key in the name of the output file.

    > bufr_copy in.bufr 'out_[dataCategory].bufr' 

bufr_dump examples

  1. To dump BUFR messages into a flat JSON format.

    > bufr_dump -jf ../data/bufr/aaen_55.bufr

  2. To dump BUFR messages into a structured JSON format. Note: This is the default if you omit the -j option

    > bufr_dump -js ../data/bufr/aaen_55.bufr

  3. To dump a Fortran program with instructions to create (encode) the input message.

    > bufr_dump -Efortran ../data/bufr/aaen_55.bufr > encode.aaen_55.f90

    Now compile and run 'encode.aaen_55.f90'. This will create a new BUFR file called 'outfile.bufr'. Check this is the the same as the input.

    > bufr_compare ../data/bufr/aaen_55.bufr outfile.bufr

  4. To dump a Python program with instructions to decode the input message.

    > bufr_dump -Dpython ../data/bufr/aaen_55.bufr > decode.aaen_55.py

    Examine the generated Python script 'decode.aaen_55.py'. You will see how to access each of the BUFR keys

  5. To dump in a WMO documentation style with hexadecimal octet values (-H).

    > bufr_dump -OH ../data/bufr/syno_1.bufr

  6. To add key type information (-t).

    > bufr_dump -OtH ../data/bufr/syno_1.bufr

bufr_filter examples

  1. The bufr_filter sequentially processes all bufr messages contained in the input files and applies the rules to each of them. Input messages can be written to the output by using the "write" statement. The write statement can be parameterised so that output is sent to multiple files depending on key values used in the output file name. First we write a rules_file containing the following statement:

    write "../data/split/[bufrHeaderCentre:i]_[dataCategory].bufr[editionNumber]";

    Then we create the BUFR file multitype.bufr from three others:

    > mkdir ../data/split 
    > cat ../data/bufr/syno_1.bufr ../data/bufr/goes_87.bufr ../data/bufr/gosat.bufr > ../data/split/multitype.bufr 

    Applying this rules_file to the "../data/split/multitype.bufr" bufr file we obtain several files in the ../data/split directory containing messages split according to their key values

    > bufr_filter rules_file ../data/split/multitype.bufr
    > ls ../data/split

  2. The bufr header information can be accessed without unpacking the data. This rules_file:

    print "[bufrHeaderCentre] [bufrHeaderSubCentre] [masterTablesVersionNumber] [localTablesVersionNumber] [numberOfSubsets]";

    will result in the following output:

    > bufr_filter rules_file ../data/bufr/syno_multi.bufr
    98 0 13 1 1
    98 0 13 1 1
    98 0 13 1 1

  3. To print values from the data section the messages have to be unpacked. To do that we need to set key unapack to 1. This rules_file:

    set unpack=1;
    print "block=[blockNumber] station=[stationNumber] lat=[latitude] lon=[longitude] t2=[airTemperatureAt2M]";

    will print out some data values from the specified SYNOP bufr messages.

    > bufr_filter rules_file ../data/bufr/syno_multi.bufr
    block=1 station=1 lat=70.93 lon=-8.67 t2=274.5
    block=1 station=3 lat=77 lon=15.5 t2=268.4
    block=1 station=7 lat=78.92 lon=11.93 t2=268.5

  4. bufr_filter allows defining new keys with the transient keyword. We will further develop the previous example by creating a new key to combine the block number and the station number into the full WMO station id:

    set unpack=1;
    transient statid=1000*blockNumber+stationNumber;
    print "statid=[statid] lat=[latitude] lon=[longitude] t2=[airTemperatureAt2M]";

    The result is:

    > bufr_filter rules_file ../data/bufr/syno_multi.bufr
    statid=1001 lat=70.93 lon=-8.67 t2=274.5
    statid=1003 lat=77 lon=15.5 t2=268.4
    statid=1007 lat=78.92 lon=11.93 t2=268.5

  5. We can use conditional statements in bufr_filter. The syntax is:

    if ( condition ) { block of rules } else { block of rules }

    The condition can be made using ==,!= and joining single block conditions with || and &&. The statement can be any valid statement also another nested condition The rules_file below shows how to filter only SYNOP messages with a specific station id:

    set unpack=1;
    transient statid=1000*blockNumber+stationNumber;
    if (dataCategory ==0 && statid == 1003) {
      write "out.bufr";

  6. The switch statement is an enhanced version of the if statement. Its syntax is the following:

    switch (key1) {
        case val1:
            # statements
        case val2:
            # statements
            # statements

    The value of the key given as argument to the switch statement is matched against the values specified in the case statements. If there is a match, then the statements corresponding to the matching case are executed. Otherwise, the default case is executed. The default case is mandatory if the case statements do not cover all the possibilities. The "~" operator can be used to match "anything".

  7. To access the keys' attributes use the -> operator. The example below prints the attributes of key nonCoordinatePressure from a SYNOP bufr message.

    print "nonCoordinatePressure=[nonCoordinatePressure] [nonCoordinatePressure->units]";
    print "nonCoordinatePressure->code=[nonCoordinatePressure->code!06d]";
    print "nonCoordinatePressure->scale=[nonCoordinatePressure->scale]";
    print "nonCoordinatePressure->reference=[nonCoordinatePressure->reference]";
    print "nonCoordinatePressure->width=[nonCoordinatePressure->width]";
    print "nonCoordinatePressure->percentConfidence=[nonCoordinatePressure->percentConfidence] [nonCoordinatePressure->percentConfidence->units]";
    print "nonCoordinatePressure->percentConfidence->code=[nonCoordinatePressure->percentConfidence->code!06d]";
    print "nonCoordinatePressure->percentConfidence->scale=[nonCoordinatePressure->percentConfidence->scale]";
    print "nonCoordinatePressure->percentConfidence->reference=[nonCoordinatePressure->percentConfidence->reference]";
    print "nonCoordinatePressure->percentConfidence->width=[nonCoordinatePressure->percentConfidence->width]";

    The result is:

    > bufr_filter rules_file ../data/bufr/syno_1.bufr
    nonCoordinatePressure=100910 Pa
    nonCoordinatePressure->percentConfidence=74 %

  8. To access keys by rank (i.e. by their occurrence in the message) use the # operator. The example below prints the value from the 4th occurrence of key pressure from a TEMP bufr message. As a reference, we also print all the pressure values found in the message.

    set unpack=1;
    print "pressure=[#4#pressure] [#4#pressure->units]";
    print "pressure=[pressure]";

    The result is:

    > bufr_filter rules_file ../data/bufr/temp_101.bufr
    pressure=98500 Pa
    pressure=102000 101800 100000 98500 96400 92500 92100 89700 
    88100 86100 85000 84400 79400 79000 78300 77300 
    71900 70000 69400 65100 61200 53400 50000 43900 
    40000 39900 37800 31600 30000 27500 25000 21200 
    21000 20600 20400 20000 19300 18400 17000 16600 
    15100 15000 14600 14000 13400 13200 12900 11100 
    10800 10000 8960 7630 7000 6420 6190 5770 
    5320 5000 3970 3570 3190 3090 3000 2820 
    2630 2400 2340 2050 2000 1680 1530 1500 
    1380 1300 1210 31600

  9. It is possible to access elements by conditions imposed on coordinate descriptors. The example below prints the temperature values on temperature significant levels from a TEMP bufr message. For temperature significant levels the key verticalSoundingSignificance=4 and this is what we use in the condition:

    set unpack=1;
    print "[/verticalSoundingSignificance=4/airTemperature]";

    The result is:

    > bufr_filter rules_file ../data/bufr/temp_101.bufr
    272.1 269.5 268.1 267.9 266.7 266.1 264.9 264.9 
    260.5 260.9 263.5 263.7 261.7 261.9 259.1 258.9 
    251.5 243.9 238.3 236.7 221.7 212.7 215.5 215.9 
    214.1 217.3 218.3 217.3 219.3 218.9 219.5 217.9 
    218.3 217.5 220.3 219.1 220.1 217.3 216.5 217.7 
    215.9 217.1 213.5 216.1 214.7 216.1 215.3 216.5 
    213.9 215.3 215.7 212.7 214.1 216.1 213.7 215.3 

  10. Another example for accessing keys by condition is to read scatterometer data. File asca_139.bufr contains a single message with 2016 subsets in a compressed form. In this case each subset has exactly the same structure: they store one location with several beams and one backscatter value in each beam. To print the backScatter values for beamIdentifier=2 from all the subsets we can simply define the condition like this:

    set unpack=1;
    print "/beamIdentifier=2/backscatter=[/beamIdentifier=2/backscatter]";

    The result is:

    > bufr_filter rules_file ../data/bufr/asca_139.bufr
    /beamIdentifier=2/backscatter=-24.6 -24.78 -24.92 -25.05 -25.04 -24.72 -23.83 -22.57 
    -21.71 -21.76 -21.81 -20.97 -19.97 -19.01 -17.8 -16.22 
    -14.67 -13.26 -12.02 -11.01 -9.84 -7.31 -8.76 -10.13 
    -11.36 -12.58 -13.49 -13.87 -13.77 -13.44 -13.42 -13.58 
    -13.92 -14.6 -15.36 -16.22 -17.11 -17.98 -18.56 -18.58 
    -18.49 -18.45 -22.66 -22.99 -23.37 -23.85 -24.27 -24.57 
    -24.54 -24.17 -23.96 -24.47 -24.53 -23.11 -21.62 -20.27 
    -18.93 -17.42 -15.78 -14.13 -12.6 -11.35 -10.06 -7.38 
    -8.57 -9.82 -11.43 -12.88 -13.83 -14.25 -14.21 -14.16 
    -14.32 -14.44 -14.73 -15.21 -15.94 -17 -17.87 -18.64 
     and many more values ......

  11. Accessing keys by condition provides the means to read individual subsets from uncompressed data. File synop_multi_subset.bufr contains a single message with several subsets in an uncompressed form. To access a given subset we can simply use key subsetNumber in the filter condition. The example below shows how to read the blockNumber, stationNumber and airTemperaturefor the first 3 subsets in the message:

    set unpack=1;
    print "subsetNumber=1 blockNumber=[/subsetNumber=1/blockNumber] stationNumber=[/subsetNumber=1/stationNumber] airTempearture=[/subsetNumber=1/airTemperature]";
    print "subsetNumber=2 blockNumber=[/subsetNumber=2/blockNumber] stationNumber=[/subsetNumber=2/stationNumber] airTempearture=[/subsetNumber=2/airTemperature]";
    print "subsetNumber=3 blockNumber=[/subsetNumber=3/blockNumber] stationNumber=[/subsetNumber=3/stationNumber] airTempearture=[/subsetNumber=3/airTemperature]";

    The result is:

    > bufr_filter rules_file ../data/bufr/synop_multi_subset.bufr
    subsetNumber=1 blockNumber=1 stationNumber=27 airTempearture=276.45
    subsetNumber=2 blockNumber=1 stationNumber=84 airTempearture=266.55
    subsetNumber=3 blockNumber=1 stationNumber=270 airTempearture=275.25

bufr_get examples

  1. bufr_get fails if a key is not found.

     > bufr_get -p centreName ../data/bufr/syno_1.bufr

bufr_ls examples

  1. Without options a default list of keys is printed. The default list can be different depending on the type of BUFR message.

     >  bufr_ls ../data/bufr/syno_multi.bufr 

    The result is:

    centre                     masterTablesVersionNumber  localTablesVersionNumber   typicalDate                typicalTime                rdbType                    rdbSubtype                 rdbtimeDate                rdbtimeTime                numberOfSubsets            localLatitude              localLongitude             
    ecmf                       13                         1                          20090124                   120000                     1                          1                          20090124                   121435                     1                          70.93                      -8.67                     
    ecmf                       13                         1                          20090124                   120000                     1                          1                          20090124                   121435                     1                          77                         15.5                      
    ecmf                       13                         1                          20090124                   120000                     1                          1                          20090124                   121435                     1                          78.92                      11.93                     
    3 of 3 messages in ../data/bufr/syno_multi.bufr
    3 of 3 total messages in 1 files

  2. It is allowed to use wildcards in filenames.

     >  bufr_ls ../data/bufr/syno_*.bufr 

  3. To list only a specific set of keys use the -p option.

     >  bufr_ls -p totalLength,bufrHeaderCentre,bufrHeaderSubCentre ../data/bufr/syno_multi.bufr 

  4. To list only a subset of messages use the -w (where option). Only the 12 UTC messages are listed with the following line.

    >  bufr_ls -w typicalTime="120000" ../data/bufr/syno_*.bufr

  5. All the non-12 UTC messages are listed as follows:

    >   bufr_ls -w typicalTime!="120000" ../data/bufr/syno_*.bufr

  6. To list only the second message from a BUFR file:

    >  bufr_ls -w count=2 ../data/bufr/syno_multi.bufr

bufr_set examples

  1. Set key bufrHeaderCentre in the header and print its value after the change:

    >  bufr_set -v -p bufrHeaderCentre -s bufrHeaderCentre=222  ../data/bufr/syno_1.bufr out.bufr