



  • Narrow down what needs to be done for the rest of the DE330 data portfolio

Discussion items





Presentation here.

  • Tentative agenda
    • Variables without WMO definition in the portfolio
      • Will come back to us with full inventory linking to GRIB2 codes where possible and details with untis where not.
    • Output variables without WMO definition that we’d like to push to local FDB
      • Local variables may be appropriate but let's see.
    • Representation of uncertainties
      • We have scope to output probabilities of exceedance/thresholds/quantiles. Again more detail would be useful.
      • We will provide an example of our probability of exceedance data and investigate percentiles + chem template for air quality variables
    • Needs from FDB in terms of GRIB settings
      • FDB and MARS schema design is ongoing
    • AOB
      • Get in as many variables as possible by next WMO fast track, end of March. Have another meeting before then, in w/c 20th March

We will communicate more in between, but next official meeting sometime w/c 13th March. I will send out a Doodle. I will have a hands on session with Søren in the meantime (Friday).

Action items

  • Minutes: Matthew Griffith 
  • Full inventory of variables for twin output
  • Full details of variables for local output
  • Schedule next meeting
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