I need to extract and plot time series graph (with mean and standard) of surface albedo using CDS API.

Given below is the CDS API code using which I am able to extract albedo data but I am unable to elaborate it further to extract and plot time series (with mean and standard). Could anyone please help me in it. 

conda install -c conda-forge cdsapi

import cdsapi

c = cdsapi.Client()



'variable': 'albb_dh',

'product_type': 'satellite',

'satellite': 'proba',

'sensor': 'vgt',

'product_version': 'v1',

'horizontal_resolution': '1km',

'year': '2014',

'month': [10, 11, 12],

'nominal_day': [13, 21],

'format': 'zip'

# for a point at latitude=16 N longitude= 15 E

'area': [16, 97, 15,


