An issue in the CDS infrastructure affecting some seasonal forecast retrievals has been identified. It will be tracked as error (E7b) in the seasonal forecast known issues page.

This error prevents users from getting all available members from CFSv2-v20110310 (NCEP CFSv2) data. This issue affects retrievals done after the release of the October 2020 forecast, which happened at 12UTC on the 13th of October 2020.

It affects all data available in the high-frequency (daily/subdaily) datasets:

Members with start time at 06h,12h and 18h are not being retrieved from the archive by the CDS and just members with start time at 00h are returned.

This is currently under investigation and it will be announced here once the issue has been resolved.

Update 27/October/2020

The issue described above has been solved at 16:15UTC on the 26/October/2020. All retrievals should be correct now, and just those retrievals performed between 13/Oct/2020 at 12UTC and 26/Oct/2020 at 16:15UTC have been affected.