The information is documented at Summary of available data.


  1. Hi All, 

    I noticed the hindcast data for CPS3 (JMA) is missing from May 1st start-date ahead.
    Is there any possibility to have almost the hindcast dataset for May 1st start-date by the 10th of this month?



    1. Dear Andrea Borrelli 

      due to the tasks related to the move of ECMWF Data Centre to Bologna, we've had to implement some changes in our processing which had unfortunately delayed quite a bit the release of some of the datasets recently introduced (e.g. JMA CPS3).

      We are currently working on that and we hope to have finished by the end of this week (Friday at the latest) the processing and release in the CDS of the data for JMA CPS3 May hindcast.

      Apologies for any inconvenience this delay may have caused, and thanks for your understanding.

      Eduardo Penabad
      C3S seasonal forecast

  2. Dear Eduardo,

    do you have any news about JMA (CPS3) seasonal hindcast dataset for May start-date?

    Many thanks,


  3. Hi All, 

    I noticed the hindcast data for CPS3 (JMA) and UK-Metoffice (s601) are missing from June 1st start-date ahead.
    Is there any possibility to have almost the hindcast datasets for June 1st start-date by the 10th of this month?



    1. Dear Andrea Borrelli 

      our apologies for this delay, caused again by the changes on our processes to accommodate the changes in preparation for the migration of the data archiving facility to ECMWF new data centre in Bologna.

      Both JMA and MetOffice hindcast data for June should be now available using the CDS API (the interactive forms won't reflect that until the regular update scheduled for the 13th of the month).

      Apologies for the inconveniences this is causing, and thanks for your understanding.

      Best regards,

      Eduardo Penabad
      C3S seasonal forecast

      1. Dear Eduardo Penabad,

        thanks a lot for making the June hindcast data available.

        Do you think it will be possible in the next few weeks to have the hindcast start-dates of July and August in advance?

        Thanks for your cooperation.

        Best regards


        1. Hello Andrea Borrelli !

          Currently our plans to process and publish those hindcast data are as follows:

          •  July: by the end of the current week (i.e. before 17th June)
          • August: in the first week of July (i.e. around 5th/6th July)

          I hope that sounds useful for you.

          Best regards,

          Eduardo Penabad
          C3S seasonal forecast

          1. Hello Eduardo!

            This is a very good news!

            Many thanks


  4. Hi all,

    I noticed the hindcast data for ECCC3 and UK-Metoffice (s601) are missing for November 1st start-date.
    Is there any possibility to have this datasets by the 13th of this month?



    1. Hi Andrea,

      we have just very recently been informed by our colleagues in charge of the DHS move that the 100% of the MARS tape archive is now fully back online, including the hindcast data you reported as missing earlier today.

      We do apologise for the inconveniences this may have caused, but it seems all the data should be now back online.


      Eduardo Penabad
      C3S seasonal forecast team