When you open a GRIB file downloaded from the CDS using Panoply, if you spot this error message "There was an error opening the dataset: No GRIB table is available for center: 98 subCenter: 0 version:3”, please make sure to uncheck the box  Open GRIB-1 datasets in strict mode under Edit/Preferences and then restart Panoply.


  1. hi ... i have error opening data when i want open GRIB data in panpoly .... i check the solution that you mention ... but it was ok .. what should i do?

    1. Hi Negin, can you share more details please? what is the actual error you see? can you attach screenshots here?



  2. Hi, I would like to open a WMO GRIB1 file in Panoply but I am receiving an error messgae that says "Unable to acquire dataset in enhanced or unehanced mode." I changed the strict mode setting as you suggested here but still receive this message. Any ideas?

  3. Hi Nora, are you able to list the grib file contents e.g. using grib_ls from ecCodes? see this page:

    What are GRIB files and how can I read them



  4. hi kevin i send you the screen of the error in panoply .... please help me i has not solved this for 2 month 

  5. can you contact me with email ?

  6. i also read this 

    What are GRIB files and how can I read them

    but i can not solve this error


  7. now i get this massage .... 

    1. Hi Negin,

      Can you attach a better screenshot please? (Its hard to read the text). Alternatively, you could open a support query  at Support Portal

