I need to get the pressure data from the ERA5 model levels on different heights, I was wondering how to do so?

I know that only logarithmic pressure data (lnsp) are available for reanalysis-era5-complete.

Working with u v and w parameters (available on all model levels), I can use Metview ( while also using the parameters t, lnsp and z) and obtain my desired parameters on the heights I need.

Hence, how can I get pressure data on different heights, since I don't have them on different model levels and can't use Metview or another python script to do the vertical interpolation.

Any help on this matter will be highly appreciated.


  1. Hi,

    please have a look at the following page:




  2. Hi Michela,

    Thank you for your message. So does it mean please, that I can compute pressure on model levels and then use Metview to get the pressure on different heights?

  3. Hi Yasmine (and Michela),

    May I ask for your update on calculating pressure on different heights using the model level data? I was wondering if the result you finally generated is a function of altitude or pressure level like the interpolated pressure of boundary layer height (red curve) in this link: https://metview.readthedocs.io/en/latest/gen_files/gallery/cross_section_orog_and_blh.html#gallery-cross-section-orog-and-blh, which looks to be plotted against pressure level (y-axis).

