
The CUS forums are for the C3S & CAMS users to ask questions, post comments and interact with other users.

The CUS forums are also the places to watch for the latest announcements on the CDS and ADS infrastructures, datasets and applications…. Watch pages of interest to receive email notifications.

Please read these instructions before posting to the forums. The CUS support team monitor the forums.


All forum posts are public. We therefore ask that posts are respectful and polite.

Users should not post personally identifying or confidential information about themselves or others (including CVs).

Abusive or other inappropriate posts will not be tolerated. The userid will be cancelled immediately and posts deleted.

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Creating an account

Only users with an ECMWF account can post to the forums. If you do not have a ECMWF userid, you can register on the ECMWF website, which is simple and quick to do.

Go here to register:

Search forums for answers

Before posting to the forums, it's good practise to first search for the answer to your question from previous posts.

Go to the User Forums page, and choose the most appropriate forum to search.

Then type your search query in the text box 'Search for topics...'.

Creating a new topic

Go to the  User Forums page, and choose the most appropriate forum to post to.

To start a new post click the 'New Topic' button: 

This will create a blank page. The first line should be the title of your new topic or question, then type the body of your question.

The buttons at the top can be used to format the text much like any word processing package. Also images and attachments can be added.

Comment on existing topic

You can also post a comment to any existing post in a forum.Write your post in the 'Comment' box at the bottom of the list of comments, or add a new comment.

If you prefer, you also reply to individual comments by clicking the 'Reply' link underneath the post and adding your post:

Watching a page

If you want to receive email notification when a new post appears in a particular forum, click the 'Watch' icon in the top right corner of the page.

Add a Favourite

To add a forum topic to your list of 'favourites', simply click on the 'Favourite' icon in the top right corner of the page.