The dataset presents projections of fire danger indicators for Europe based upon the Canadian Fire Weather Index System (FWI) under future climate conditions. The FWI is a meteorologically based index used worldwide to estimate the fire danger and is implemented in the Global ECMWF Fire Forecasting model (GEFF). In this dataset, daily FWI values, seasonal FWI values, and other FWI derived, threshold-specific, indicators were modelled using the GEFF model to estimate the fire danger in future climate scenarios. The dataset is now available to be downloaded from!/dataset/sis-tourism-fire-danger-indicators?tab=overview

This dataset was produced on behalf of Copernicus Climate Change Service for the SIS European Tourism contract.


  1. Is it possible to download the data straight from the CDS? I couldn't find a way to do it. 

    1. You can download data online using the CDS web interface at!/dataset/sis-tourism-fire-danger-indicators?tab=form

      Alternatively, you can download the data programmatically using the CDS API service.

      Please check the Climate Data Store (CDS) documentation for further details on how to make the most of it!