Hello. Can someone describe or point to how ERA5-land gets initialized and how often (e.g. once at the very beginning of multi decade run? or once every day?)? And from what fields? (ERA5 analyses, e.g.?) And, while I understand that ERA5-land does not use any land DA (SEKF for moisture, 2DOI for snow), and that it uses ERA5 meteorology for forcing while being uncoupled from the atmospheric model, I do wonder if ERA5-land updates snow fields periodically (e.g. from ERA5) to control model drift and over-/under-accumulation through long periods; the fact that ERA5-land appears to be run on 24 hour cycles also suggests to me that perhaps this is in part to do any such updating/"initializing" for each day's fields that might be especially susceptible to such model drift issues over long periods as snow can be.
Thank you.