1. I am using Surface Net Solar Radiation data hourly. When I extracted the data from the .nc file the data has some constraints, up to morning 12:00 PM (IST) the data found to be ok but from 13:00 hrs till 23:00 hrs it had similar values how could be this possible?

    1. Hi,

      the data are in UTC time. Please have a look at table 2 for the accumulation definition for radiation fluxes of ERA5-Land:

      Conversion table for accumulated variables (total precipitation/fluxes)



      1. Dear Michela, is the Surface solar radiation downwards (SSRD - in ERA5 Land) also comes up with large daily values when averaged (daymean) over all 24 hour steps. Is this correct or do we need to take a certain interval?

        1. Hi,

          as explain in the Conversion table for accumulated variables (total precipitation/fluxes), the accumulation in ERA5-Land is different from ERA5. The step 00 UTC contains the accumulated flux over the previous 24 hours.

          So if you want to get the energy flux for a day in Wm-2 :



          1. Dear Michela, did as you advised (downloaded 00:00 only - for all dates, divided by 86400 and applied timeshift by one day to back them up to their appropriate dates) however the resulting SSRD daily mean is way too low for 43N. Now, I am getting a spread between 26 - 140 (approx) W m-2 for 40 years and that is not at all what we observe here. I am downloading Surface Solar Radiation Downwards from ERA5 Land (as mentioned above)