1. I'm making an app to collect data from the user's environment and I need to know the temperature, pollution, pressure, etc of the environment. Could I use copernicus for that? It seems to me that this project has query data from large masses of data and it does not seem that you can make such concrete queries. Besides, I don't know if I'm doing well to ask around here. Everything seems so chaotic.

    The idea would be to have a consultation service to consult these data through a location of coordinates. But what has been said, I only see that you can access by python with the toolbox and by the documentation they say something about FTP access, but I don't see an explicit guide. What also tells me that maybe this doesn't work for me is that all the examples I see are of big masses of information in big time bands.

    Thank you and greetings.

  2. Dear Javier,

    Thank you for your comments. A few points for you to consider:

    If you need any further clarification or help, just let us know.

    Kind regards,
