We are pleased to announce that the CAMS global radiative forcings data along with the CAMS global radiative forcing - auxilliary variables are now available to download from the Atmosphere Data Store.

The CAMS global radiative forcings data set provides geographical distributions of the radiative forcing (RF) by key atmospheric constituents. The radiative forcing estimates are based on the CAMS reanalysis and additional model simulations and are provided separately for...

  • carbon dioxide
  • methane
  • tropospheric ozone
  • stratospheric ozone
  • interactions between anthropogenic aerosols and radiation
  • interactions between anthropogenic aerosols and clouds

Aerosol optical depths and aerosol-radiation radiative effects for four different aerosol origins (anthropogenic, mineral dust, marine, and land-based fine-mode natural aerosol) are also provided as part of the CAMS global radiative forcing - auxilliary variables data set.

Data may be downloaded interactively using the ADS web interface or programmatically using the API service.

For any enquiries or feedback regarding the above, please contact us


CAMS Helpdesk at ECMWF