
I am experiencing a problem when trying to download wind speeds via the CDS API. Here is the error message:

Exception: the request you have submitted is not valid. Ambiguous : 100m_u_component_of_wind could be 10 METRE WIND GUST OF AT LEAST 10 METRE PER SECOND or WILDFIRE DRY MATTER COMBUSTION RATE DENSITY - Ambiguous : 100m_v_component_of_wind could be 10 METRE WIND GUST OF AT LEAST 10 METRE PER SECOND or WILDFIRE DRY MATTER COMBUSTION RATE DENSITY

And this is the script I use:

import cdsapi

c = cdsapi.Client()
    'expver': '0005',
    'format': 'grib',
    'variable': [
          '100m_u_component_of_wind', '100m_v_component_of_wind',
    'year': [
      '2015', '2016', '2017',
      '2018', '2019'
    'month': [
      '01', '02', '03',
      '04', '05', '06',
      '07', '08', '09',
      '10', '11', '12'
    'day': [
      '01', '02', '03',
      '04', '05', '06',
      '07', '08', '09',
      '10', '11', '12',
      '13', '14', '15',
      '16', '17', '18',
      '19', '20', '21',
      '22', '23', '24',
      '25', '26', '27',
      '28', '29', '30'
    'time': [
      '00:00', '01:00', '02:00',
      '03:00', '04:00', '05:00',
      '06:00', '07:00', '08:00',
      '09:00', '10:00', '11:00',
      '12:00', '13:00', '14:00',
      '15:00', '16:00', '17:00',
      '18:00', '19:00', '20:00',
      '21:00', '22:00', '23:00'
    'area': [float(lat)+0.125, float(lon)-0.125, float(lat)-0.125, float(lon)+0.125],
    'grid': ['0.25', '0.25']

Can you think of any way to address this issue? Btw, downloading the variable "10m_u_component_of_wind" worked fine.


  1. Hi,

    the '100m_u_component_of_wind', '100m_v_component_of_wind' are not available in ERA5-Land. You can donwload them from ERA5.



  2. Thank you Michela!

  3. Hi,

    I've the same problem trying to download 2PVU as PV level and Potenttial temperature as variable (vertical coordinate); here is the error message:

    Exception: the request you have submitted is not valid. Ambiguous parameter: potential_vorticity_level could be PROCESS or PPENGINE - No request.;

    and the relative script:

    import cdsapi


    >>> c = cdsapi.Client()


    >>> c.retrieve(

    ... 'reanalysis-era5-single-levels-monthly-means',

    ... {

    ... 'product_type': 'monthly_averaged_reanalysis',

    ... 'variable': 'potential_temperature',

    ... 'potential_vorticity_level': '2000',

    ... 'year': '2020',

    ... 'month': '01',

    ... 'time': '00:00',

    ... 'format': 'netcdf',

    ... }

    ... )

    Thanks a lot.

    1. Hi,

      this is a code example:

      #!/usr/bin/env python
      import cdsapi
      c = cdsapi.Client()
      c.retrieve('reanalysis-era5-complete', {
          'class': 'ea',
          'date': '20200101',
          'decade': '2020',
          'expver': '1',
          'levelist': '2000',
          'levtype': 'pv',
          'param': '3.128',
          'stream': 'moda',
          'grid': '0.25/0.25', # Latitude/longitude. Default: spherical harmonics or reduced Gaussian grid
          'format': 'netcdf',
          'type': 'an',
      }, 'output.nc')

      Please have a look at the following links for more details:

      ERA5: data documentation#DataorganisationandhowtodownloadERA5

      How to download ERA5#OptionB:DownloadERA5familydatathatisNOTlistedintheCDSonlinecatalogue-SLOWACCESS

      Please be aware that there is an additional queueing system for downloading ERA5 complete data from the ECMWF's MARS archive - expect several hours to several days for submitted requests to complete at this time. You can check the Live status of your request

