We are sorry to announce that during the release of GloFAS V3.1 on the 26th of May 2021 an incorrect labeling of data has meant that some users may have not retrieved the data they expected.

Between 26th of May 2021 and 29th of June 2021

Version_2_1 was connected to the operational dataset;
The operational dataset, made available in November of 2019 contains the operational GloFAS output which currently spans version 2.1 - version 3.1 and will be continuously updated when new forecasts become available. This stream does contain Version 2.1 data but only up until release of Version 3.1.

Version_3_1 was connected to the pre-release dataset but labelled as Operational;
The data was correct in that it was version_3_1 however it was not the operational data but a set of test data released ahead of v3.1 of GloFAS for user testing.

From 30th of June 2021 users will see the page as follows:

  1. operational - contains all GloFAS Forecasts since November 2019 (see GloFAS operational system)
  2. version_2_1 - contains all GloFAS Forecasts since 26th of May 2021 for the legacy GloFAS 2.1 Forecast system which is still being run for the next few months alongside the new operational system.
  3. version_3_1 - contains all GloFAS Forecasts produced with the new GloFAS v3.1 system ahead of the official release on the 26th of May, availability is from 1 January 2020 to 21 June 2021

Future versions of GloFAS may be made available ahead of official release and will be visible in the Pre release section of the System Version.
On release of a new GloFAS Forecasting system, legacy data may be made available and will be visible in the Legacy Section of the System Version.

If you have any questions or feedback about GloFAS datasets, you may contact us.

The GloFAS team.