

Discussion items

  • CERISE project lasts 4 years; data will be produced in a standalone manner. CERISE data will not continue after the project is finished.

  • CERISE data has exactly the same encoding standards as the current C3S data (GRIB1, same MARS keys and metadata as C3S data).

  • CERISE data is produced on pressure, soil and surface level. 

  • It seems that the most appropriate way forward is to create a new MARS class (e.g. 'ci') trying to remove any MARS keyword (index) that is not used by C3S data (e.g. 'method'). Only streams "mmsf" and "msmm" are needed by CERISE.

  • CERISE data will be available by the end of the year, so the new class will be created and tested as soon as possible. 

  • The creation of the new class takes around two weeks. 

  • We also discussed about ASPECT project. Most of the ASPECT data will be under the C3S class. However, there are some datasets that will contribute to ASPECT and are already archived in MARS under 'od' or 'rd' class. We need a solution on how data under 'od' and 'rd' can be accessed by the ASPECT users who don't have sufficient rights to access those classes.  Access to data from specific experiments in class "rd" can be easily set up, while license/access issues to data in class "od" can be trickier

Action items

  • Seb: To check with Manuel on the creation of the CERISE class. Additionally to check if we can store in MARS GRIB1 data for the full project period.
  • Harris/Edu: To contact Emma Pidduck (User Services) about access to the data in class "od". Later we will discuss again with DGOV team the technical solution